Summer Solstice 2022

June 21st, 2022 by Voxx

F9B6FDF3-EC14-473B-8D63-CC457D13477DToday is the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day of the entire year. It is one of the four major Sabbaths of the pagan religion, signifying the triumph of the Lord of the Sun, bringer of life and light!

This marks the middle part of the year, and also when the Sun enters the 4th Zodiacal House of the sign of Cancer — the Moonchild. People will be more sensitive than usual. Matters of the Home, and Children will be center stage. Also, the USA was founded during the time of Cancer, which accounts for the love of cars, food and sexy times — all the big 3 in American Culture.

On this sacred day, pay homage to the Sun by creating a solar feast. Items you may use are any yellow, gold, white or red flowers; Frankincense; Yellow, gold and white decorations, or symbols of the shining Sun. Any foods or breads containing Cinnamon, Apple, or Citrus are great flavors of the Sun — including Cardamom and Ginger.

Enjoy the day, and give thanks for the star that makes possible all life on our planet! Blessings to all, ~V~


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Full Moon in Virgo 27º

March 17th, 2022 by Voxx

The FULL MOON occurs on Friday, March 18th, 2022, at 3:17 AM EDT.

On Friday morning, the Full Moon occurs, when the Sun in Pisces forms an opposition to the Moon in Virgo. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces).

Virgo rules the tools and techniques we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools we employ to manage our spiritual selves.

Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives.

However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us.

For now, we can’t sit on our feelings–we need to express them! Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes closely with Pluto, suggesting a healthy relationship with change and transformation. We want to better ourselves or our situation through the revelations occurring around the time of this lunation. It’s a gently ambitious time. ~V~


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Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, Holidays, Magick, Moon Magick, Rituals, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »


2-22-2022 – A Magickal Day

February 22nd, 2022 by Voxx

This is the first day of the Pluto Return of the United States of America. ~V~

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Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 12º

December 3rd, 2021 by Voxx

3946D178-DD66-4B0A-88D0-0F2522B97A3BThe New Moon will also be a Total Solar Eclipse, happening in the sign of Sagittarius at 12º. Solar Eclipses have always been associated with the idea of Magick, and a time of great change.

The Sun, as life-giver of all on our planet, at this time is covered over by the Moon, starting a new Lunar Cycle.

In the 9th Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, we will be challenged to overcome our fears of all that is foreign, strange, or unfamiliar to ourselves.

The 9th House of the Zodiac, which is ruled by Sagittarius, is all about higher states of consciousness, religion, philosophy and long-distance travel — not only in physics terms, but in psychological, and spiritual terms as well.

With that in mind, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is primarily concerned with the process of Transformation, and in particular, Alchemy.

At this time, it will serve us well to open our eyes to appreciating all that is different from ourselves. Welcoming the change that is coming, before being overwhelmed by the process.

Jupiter/Zeus, has always been depicted as having union with diverse goddesses and gods, not to impart the idea of unfaithfulness, but to suggest the idea of inclusiveness! Zeus literally loves everybody. He wants to experience life from ever angle. Unfortunately, this is harder for other beings to accept.

While the Sun is eclipsed by the adventurous Moon, don’t be surprised at the sudden urge to move on… let go. See where life takes you. You might be happily satisfied by the new direction your life will be taking.

Sabian Symbol for 12º Sagittarius:
The symbol for this degree, is a coiled serpent, above which is a grinning skull. This degree denotes one of a vicious temperament who is liable to be obsessed and used by the dark forces. A strong and beneficent power over him may transmute his nature and aid him to overcome ill fate, but evil is more likely to attend him and make him her victim. It is a symbol of Overthrowing.

Click this link to read some interesting information on various Solar Eclipse Legends

Click this link to watch the Solar Eclipse via Live Stream


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Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse: Longest Eclipse of the Century

November 17th, 2021 by Voxx

F71707B9-0994-4E24-8123-5D5958D65907A Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, occurs on Friday, November 19th, 2021, at 3:57 AM EDT (00:57 AM PDT)

It occurs early Friday, when the Sun in Scorpio forms an opposition to the Moon in Taurus. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. This Full Moon is a partial Lunar Eclipse.

The Full Moon occurs in Taurus at 27º 14”, opposite the Sun in Scorpio at 27º. It will square an extravagant Jupiter, which will be harmoniously aspected with Pluto, suggesting we will be feeling determined, ambitious, and ready to see what needs to be done to improve. Overly sensitive feelings will be rampant, so keep cool, before taking any action.

This is first eclipse of a set, occurring along the Taurus-Scorpio axis, with several others occurring in 2022, and 2023. It’s going to be a wild ride, for sure!

As the first in a sign set, it can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Taurus/Scorpio areas of life in our charts, and feelings of discontent can magnify. (Such as 2nd & 8th House Concerns.)

We take an urgent interest in the physical world and in our own sensual needs and desires at this time. While we should watch for stubbornness, some self-interest is healthy and necessary now.


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