Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley

October 13th, 2007 by Voxx


It seems that some of my greatest inspirations were born under the astrological sign of Libra. John Lennon is a musical hero, and Aleister Crowley is a magickal one.

I have to say that the writings and teachings of Crowley (aka The Master Therion), have been the most influential, especially considering my entire life has been dedicated to the learning and practice of the art of Magick.

Today, I’d like to pay my respects to Crowley on his 132nd birthday. His influence in the world continues to be felt through his Proclamation of the Law of Thelema, which ushered in the 93rd Current in the form of the Aeon of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child.

To learn more about Crowley’s ideas and magickal philosophies, please read The Book of the Law, or feel free to write me for more links and info.Albeit, Crowley (as a mere human) had his flaws and foibles, but as a Magician he had no equal, although there are those who might argue the point.

To learn more about Crowley, the Man and Magus, I hope you’ll spend a minute to read a bit about him at the Voxx Magickal Forum, and see for yourself.

Crowley, wherever you are … thank you for all the magickal gifts you’ve helped me to discover and use to manifest my True Will. I can honestly say, that the use of High Magick has enabled me to attract the health, wealth, knowledge and love that is every human’s birthright.

If you’d like to learn more about The Art and Practice of High Magick, feel free to contact me or check my list of available classes.

In the meantime, below are some additional links I feel might be useful for those of you who have yet to discover this incredible man for yourself. I suggest you read Crowley’s writings for yourself, and to make it easy for you, just go to the right side of this page, and scroll down a bit until you see my Magickal Library picks on the right-hand side. I’ve set up direct links so you can order Crowley’s books easily.

If you’d like to celebrate the birth of the Magus, light a candle at 11:30 pm (PDT), I know I will.

Aleister Crowley Links:

Aleister Crowley: Astrological Chart and Aspects

Aleister Crowley (Wikipedia)

The Book of the Law (in English)

The Book of the Law (in Egyptian)

Aleister Crowley on MySpace

Posted in Astrology, Black Magick, Magick, Memento Mori, Saints, Thelema | 5 Comments »


5 Responses

  1. Voxx

    Here’s celebrating the birth of the Prophet of the Aeon of Horus!


  2. Vincent Jennings

    93 Voxx,

    There are Stars and then there are STARS… You, my dear are a STAR. The 93 current runs deeper and faster because of STARS like you.

    Speaking of Astrological Charts, according to Kenneth Grant’s Beyond the Mauve Zone– my date of birth is quite interesting….August 14th, 1955 but I don’t recall the time I was born, it was such a quite early age when I was born–HA HA.

    93 93/93

  3. homercrowley

    Voxx ,
    I love you.


  4. Al

    neat, we share chiron!!!

  5. Voxx


    Thank you all for the Love 🙂 Nice to see my Thelemic family checking out the site. Let me know how you guys celebrated!


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