Jim Morrison: Birthday of The Lizard King!

December 9th, 2006 by Voxx

PF 935437 Spirit of Jim MoToday is a very special day; it’s the 63rd Birthday of rock singer/poet, Jim Morrison, also known as “The Lizard King”.

James Douglas Morrison was born December 8th, 1943 and died on July 3, 1971, at the age of 27. (See my Podcast of 11-27-06 for more info).

Jim holds a very special place in modern music history for being one of the earliest proponents of Shamanism in rock music. He was fascinated by the ways of Native American culture, and strove to reconnect his spirit to the Earth by using his music and lyrics ritualistically, with great success.

Morrison was also a gifted poet achieving widespread critical acclaim for his written works. He was admittedly inspired by the great child poet, Arthur Rimbaud, whom he championed as a personal poetic muse.

On this day, the anniversary of his birth, I would like to pay my respects to one of the original icons of rock music. I’ve always had a cosmic bond with Jim, as he died on my birthday, and I’ve always felt there was some kind of deeper connection with him as a result.

Jim was born under the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer, ruled by the planet Jupiter. A true follower of Dionysius, (who was himself a Jupiterian idol), Jim worshipped at the shrine of all that is Jupiterian/Dionysian … wine, women and especially song. Morrison was accorded the burial due a poet, being interred in the famed Pere LaChaise Cemetery in France, where he will hopefully continue to rest in peace.

Thanks Jim for the beautiful legacy of your music, poetry and performances, which continue to inspire us with your ability to transmute personal experience into the wild, savage poetry of spontaneous genius.

For more details on The Lizard King: Bio, and Additional Links.

Posted in Celebrities, Memento Mori | No Comments »


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