The Galactic Center of the Universe

October 29th, 2007 by Voxx

astro-galactic-center.jpgPluto is currently conjunct the place in our Galaxy (The Milky Way) known as The Galactic Center. As of yesterday, Pluto was at 26:52 Degrees Sagittarius, thus is activating that particular degree, effecting all life on our planet Earth (Gaia). We recently experienced this aspect on December 29th, 2006, and the last time before that was 248 years ago!

The energy associated with the 26th Degree of Sagittarius being activated will definitely affect us mere mortals. So what, you many wonder. Well, if you happen to have any planet between 24 to 29 Degrees of Sagittarius, you are in for quite a ride, (and not necessarily a smooth one either!) In fact, if you happen to have any planet in your Astrological Birth Chart between those mentioned in any sign, you will feel the energy as well.

Those of you who happen to have planets creating positive astrological aspects with those same degrees will no doubt have a more joyful (yet still, powerfully transformative) time. Case in point, those who have planets in the late degree of the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be experiencing a Trine effect.

Those born with planets at late degrees (22-29) in any Water or Earth signs may feel more agitated than usual. Of course, those with planets at late degrees of Libra or Aquarius may also have a lessening of their worries. Those born under the sign of Gemini (being the opposite sign of Sagittarius) will, however, have possibly the most difficult time of all, as Sagittarius proves to stir up a whirlwind of chaos in its wake. Of course, the Chaos Magicians in the crowd will enjoy that experience immensely. LOL.

As I mentioned, the last time Pluto made this aspect to The Galactic Center was 248 years ago. You know, the time of the American Revolution, and we all know what a safe, comfy time that was! So get your tri-corner hats out, and buckle up your pilgrim boots, ‘cos this aspect is going to definitely have a major impact on The United States of America, (which is receiving a very unfavorable aspect by this placement, in case you didn’t notice!)

It’s time to wake up and take stock of your position in life — are you going in the most positive direction? If not, expect some trials and tribulations that will force you to change your ship’s direction for a more wonderful destination.

To learn more about this fascinating subject, visit the Galactic Center Links my Magickal Forum or register for an Astrology Class.

[Note: The picture above shows the Galactic Center. The larger red stars are in the constellation of Sagittarius. I’ve illustrated the absolute center with a tiny pink dot so you can see the Galactic Center itself. Picture courtesy of the European Space Observer.]

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, Nature | No Comments »


Full Moon in Taurus: 10/26/07

October 26th, 2007 by Voxx

19.jpgThe Full Moon will occur in the sign of Taurus at 9:51 pm (PDT) and 12:51 am (EDT), at 2:23 Degrees.

The Moon (also known as Luna), is considered exalted in the earthy sign of Taurus — a fact that lends more awareness of the preciousness of Life, despite its many ups and downs.Although Taurus is an earth sign, it is ruled by the planet Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Fertility and the Arts. It’s no wonder why many of us may feel incredibly inspired at this time, especially poets, musicians and artists.

A great way to celebrate the Full Moon in Taurus is to create something beautiful, create a sumptuous feast for yourself and your loved ones, paint a picture, enjoy music — whatever you choose to do, immerse yourself totally.The Venusian energy of this lunation offers a chance to heal and come to terms with harsher realities of life, something that many Southern Californians may need right now.

Full Moon Rituals: Read more about Moon Magick, and learn more about this particular lunation.Remember to join the Voxx Magickal Forum, and read more about the Esoteric Art of Astrology. I also offer classes on Basic Astrology as well, so feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Have a mystical, magickal day!

Posted in Astrology, Holidays, Magick, Mythology, Nature, Pagan News, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »


The Voxx Show: Podcast 33

October 23rd, 2007 by Voxx

s adju 1Greetings All,

I’m finally getting a chance to upload the last several podcasts! I’ll be posting more of them soon.

Astrological Commentary: (Note: The Planetary Info on this Podcast is no longer in effect.)

People In the News: Alberto Gonzalez, Celebrities going to jail.

Caller 1: Anonymous Caller (Libra)
Question: Should she try to salvage a past relationship with an Aquarius?
Tarot Reading: The Magus, 7 of Disks and The Priestess.
The Caller had earlier misinterpreted her own Tarot Reading, as Voxx explains.

Caller Number 2: Kevin (Taurus)
Kevin called Voxx to discuss past Tarot readings, and how to properly interpret the meaning of the Cards in proper context.

Human vs. Computer: Voxx discusses the accuracy of Tarot readings performed by humans, rather than computers.

Tarot Readings for Pets

Tarot Decks: Voxx and Kevin discuss the pros and cons of some Tarot Decks.

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The Voxx Show: Tune In Tonight @ 9PM PDT

October 23rd, 2007 by Voxx

Greetings All,

I’ll be hosting the show tonight, so tune in and make sure to tell your friends.

Call in by dialing 323-284-5166 (Los Angeles).  Remember to join the The Voxx Magickal Forum too.


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Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley

October 13th, 2007 by Voxx


It seems that some of my greatest inspirations were born under the astrological sign of Libra. John Lennon is a musical hero, and Aleister Crowley is a magickal one.

I have to say that the writings and teachings of Crowley (aka The Master Therion), have been the most influential, especially considering my entire life has been dedicated to the learning and practice of the art of Magick.

Today, I’d like to pay my respects to Crowley on his 132nd birthday. His influence in the world continues to be felt through his Proclamation of the Law of Thelema, which ushered in the 93rd Current in the form of the Aeon of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child.

To learn more about Crowley’s ideas and magickal philosophies, please read The Book of the Law, or feel free to write me for more links and info.Albeit, Crowley (as a mere human) had his flaws and foibles, but as a Magician he had no equal, although there are those who might argue the point.

To learn more about Crowley, the Man and Magus, I hope you’ll spend a minute to read a bit about him at the Voxx Magickal Forum, and see for yourself.

Crowley, wherever you are … thank you for all the magickal gifts you’ve helped me to discover and use to manifest my True Will. I can honestly say, that the use of High Magick has enabled me to attract the health, wealth, knowledge and love that is every human’s birthright.

If you’d like to learn more about The Art and Practice of High Magick, feel free to contact me or check my list of available classes.

In the meantime, below are some additional links I feel might be useful for those of you who have yet to discover this incredible man for yourself. I suggest you read Crowley’s writings for yourself, and to make it easy for you, just go to the right side of this page, and scroll down a bit until you see my Magickal Library picks on the right-hand side. I’ve set up direct links so you can order Crowley’s books easily.

If you’d like to celebrate the birth of the Magus, light a candle at 11:30 pm (PDT), I know I will.

Aleister Crowley Links:

Aleister Crowley: Astrological Chart and Aspects

Aleister Crowley (Wikipedia)

The Book of the Law (in English)

The Book of the Law (in Egyptian)

Aleister Crowley on MySpace

Posted in Astrology, Black Magick, Magick, Memento Mori, Saints, Thelema | 5 Comments »

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