Goetia Spirits
Call: 323/782/0222 (Text First; Enable Caller ID).
Office Hours: 12:00pm PST – 12:00am PST
Or Email: Write to goetiamagick@yahoo. com
Send your name, email and contact phone number;
Write “Appointment” on Subject Line.
Voxx, along with her colleague, Frater S.U.M. are two of the world’s leading Occult scholars regarding the Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Together, they operate Goetiamagick. com, where they share their extensive knowledge and experience dealing with the 72 Spirits of Solomon the King.
For more information on their work, please visit: Goetiamagick. com. They also moderate the Goetiamagick Discord Server. If interested, you may write for an invitation.
Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #4)
Goetia Magick Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the “100 Top Psychics in America (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, (both 1994 and 2014 editions.)
Write for the Goetia Magick Class Syllabus at: voxx(at)voxx.org (reference “Goetia Magick Classes” on the subject line.)
You may also text: 323/782/0222 (Enable Caller ID)
Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.
No books are necessary; However, book suggestions will be given. All classes and information will be sent to students as PDFs.
Additional Benefits: Student personal Goetia Magick Charts and Reports will be examined, and explained in the most positive and informed way, insuring each student enjoys the most enjoyable and inspirational experience possible
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