
Voxx has over 30 years of experience in the field of Psychic Consulting, Trance Mediumship, and Hypnotherapy, as well as Remote-Viewing and Spirit Channeling. She is listed as the top Google-rated Trance Medium, in Los Angeles.

Experience Voxx’s amazing abilities for yourself, and schedule an appointment, or register for one of her unique Classes!

Voxx is a certified and well-known Practitioner of all the subjects and practices listed below:

Aromatherapy – The knowledge of the esoteric uses of essential plant oils.

Astrology – The knowledge and use of predictive methods of interpreting Natal, Transits & Progressions.

Candle, Incense & Oil Blending – The knowledge of the esoteric uses of essential oil combining.

Divination – The knowledge of and practice of using a variety of methods to predict the future, and read the present and past.* In particular, Voxx is a Certified Grand Master of the Tarot, with a focus on the Aleister Crowley Thoth Deck.

* Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Magick and Hypnotherapy

Feng Shui – (Wiccan & Thelemic) – The practice of energy flow and magickal placement in the personal environment for creation of spiritual balance.

Herbalism – The knowledge of the esoteric uses of plants, herbs, oils & tinctures.

Hypnotherapy – The knowledge and use of professional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Voxx is a certified, licensed, clinical practitioner of Hypnotherapy, and a member of the “International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association.(IMDHA.)

Kabbalah – (Also known as Qabalah) – The ability to understand the interconnectedness between all things.

Mediumship – The practice of contacting spirits of humans and other beings, to obtain knowledge.

Numerology – (Hebraic, Greek & Western Methods) – The ability to understand personalities and events through numbers.

Pendulum Dowsing – The ability to answer questions by the movement of a pendulum.

Photometry – The ability to read people, places and events through photographs, and film.

Physiognomy – The ability to read people’s faces and body types.

Psychometry– The ability to answer questions by the picking up impressions from physical objects.

Spirit Channeling – The practice of contacting spirits of humans and other beings, to obtain knowledge.

Tarot – The knowledge and use of predictive methods of interpreting the Tarot. She is a certified Grand Master of the Tarot.

Voxx Has 30 Years of Experience in the Magickal Practices listed:

Angelic Evocation (Enochian & Planetary)
Automatic Writing
Bibliomancy (Hebrew, Greek and English)
Ceremonial Magick (Golden Dawn; OTO; Arbatel; Gnostic)
Chaos Magick (IOT)
Crystalomancy (Crystal Scrying)
Enochian Magick
Goetia (Magick of Solomon the King)
Her biology
I Ching
Kabbalah (Qabalah)
Magickal Ceremony
Necromancy (Speaking with the Dead)
Occult (All aspects)
Planetary Magick
Paranormal Investigation
Remote Viewing
Ritual (Angelic, Invocation, Evocation)
Runes (Astro, Norse, Solomonic)
Scrying (Via Crystals & Mirrors)
Tarot (All decks, with specific expertise in The Thoth Tarot Deck)
Thelemic Magick (Aleister Crowley)
Typhonian Magick (Kenneth Grant)
Wicca & Witchcraft
Zos Kia (Austin Osman Spare)



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