Welcome to Voxx.Org

November 29th, 2020 by Voxx

Voxx is an internationally-known Celebrity Psychic, Trance Medium, Hypnotherapist, Counselor and Life Coach. Voxx is also a Certified Grand Master of the Tarot, as well as a Master Astrologer, Numerologist, Qabalist, Ritual Magician, and Occult scholar.

Voxx has been featured in the Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and other magazines.

Voxx’s Background: Born in Ethiopia, Africa, Voxx has lived in such diverse places as Saudi Arabia, Europe, and the United States, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

Other Schooling: In addition to her studies in Metaphysics, Voxx received her double Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the University of Tennessee. She has a degree in Hypnotherapy, and is a member of IMDHA. Voxx has also studied Film Production at USC, and UCLA.

Voxx’s Classes & Instruction: Voxx teaches a wide variety of classes. For a complete list, including details and Class Syllabuses for currently-offered classes, please write to her at voxx (at) voxx (dot) org.

Here is a link to some of the Metaphysical Classes Voxx teaches:
Classes, Workshops & Seminars

Voxx’s Teaching History & Credentials: Please write for a complete list.

Voxx Media Work: Voxx has appeared on many national television and radio shows, and podcasts as well as several films. She starred in her own nightly call-in advice show on radio station, KLSX, 97.1, FM, one of Los Angeles’ top radio stations. She has appeared on such networks as the BBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and KCOP.

Voxx on the Airwaves (Podcast): As the host of Voxx The Psychic Podcast, Voxx is a pioneer in podcasting, hosting a weekly, one-hour podcast since 2006.

Voxx on the Airwaves (Radio): On the wildly popular radio show from the mid-90’s, The Voxx Show on major Los Angeles station, KLSX, 97.1, Voxx hosted LA’s first major radio show dedicated to Celebrity Metaphysics. The show aired 3 hours nightly, 5 nights a week, from midnight to 3:00 a.m., and was the lead-in to The Howard Stern Show, receiving over one million calls per month. On her show, Voxx performed up to 60 live callson the radio per night (not counting her daily private clientele of 23 clients per day).

Voxx/Multimedia Artist: Voxx is a published poet, artist, and an author of several privately-printed books, available for sale through The Voxx Magickal Store.

Voxx’s other abilities including, musical composition, singing, writing, film-making, photography and painting; All her works are inspired by her Psychic and Occult interests.

Art: Voxx has had several of her paintings exhibited at the museum of Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibits (LACE).

Poetry: Her Dada and Surrealist inspired artwork and poetry has been published in several editions of the poetry collection, Maintenant, released by Three Rooms Press, NYC.

Occult Poetry: Voxx’s Occult poetry has been published in the hardbound, silk-covered edition of Mandragora, released by Scarlet Imprint, London, England.

Posted in Astrology, General, Magick, News, Podcast, Psychic Powers, Tarot | No Comments »


Blessings on Veteran’s Day: To All Who Served

November 11th, 2020 by Voxx


Today is Veteran’s Day, a very important day where we take a special moment to reflect on those brave warriors who gave the ultimate sacrifice — their very lives.

In particular, I would like to honor my ancestors who served in the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, and WWII. All the way back several generations. My father, at the age of 17, was a POW for almost the entirety of WWII, held prisoner at the Death Camp of Makasser, in Indonesia. He was one of the lucky few to survive the torture of his experience.

Now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance that we keep a vigil for the safety and protection of our beloved country, and vow that those who gave all for our freedom, will not have sacrificed their lives in vain. Let us honor them by showing the bravery to stand up, and fight the righteous battle for freedom of speech, and spiritual equality. Blessings, ~V~

[To support my work, please join my Patreon, at VoxxMagick.]

© voxx.org 2020

Posted in Angels, General, History, Holidays, Memento Mori, Politics | No Comments »


The Cursed Degree of Scorpio 19º

November 11th, 2020 by Voxx


It started yesterday, and will end on November 11, 2020 at 5:28pm EST. You may have noticed the strange and unsettling news of the day, that is tinged with this deeply negative, and fixed degree.

What to expect?

The usual … such as governmental coups, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis (which are a particular predictive expertise of mine.)

The governmental aspect is in plain sight at the moment, as DJT attempts to become the ruler of the USA, despite election counts to the contrary.

I would suggest chilling out at home for the day, and venturing back outside tomorrow. Trust me. Avoid any and all confrontations. Pay attention to acts of extremism that will prevail for the next couple of days, in particular.

Blessings ~V~

[To support my work, art, classes and podcast, please join my Patreon, at VoxxMagick]

Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, Earth Changes, General, History, Holidays, Legal Trials, Natural Disasters, News, Predictions, Superstition, Weird News | No Comments »


Presidential Tarot Prediction 2: Biden Finally Wins!

November 6th, 2020 by Voxx


It appears that my Presidential Election 2020 Tarot Reading will be correct, starting today. The reason for the confirmation comes as a result of an upcoming Astrological effect that will prove the Tarot reading was accurate. [Note: Click pic to enlarge.]

On this upcoming November 13th, 2020, Friday (Friday the 13th), Mars, the ancient Planetary Ruler of Scorpio will go Direct, at 15º Aries, in a wide Square with Jupiter in Capricorn at 22º conjunct Pluto at the exact degree. Since the Moon will be in Libra at close to 25º as well, the country will experience an intense, temporary Cardinal Cross, which will continue forward as a tight T-Square between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto.

Wow. Get out your helmets! Better yet, just stays inside for awhile and avoid the danger that’s coming our way. The negative aspects of Mars, squaring Jupiter and Pluto will intensify for many weeks.


1) Mars, the ancient Planetary Ruler of Scorpio will go Direct, at 15º Aries on, Friday, November 13th, 2020;

2) Mars will go Direct, in a wide Square with Jupiter in Capricorn at 22º;

3) Mars will go Direct, in a wide Square with Pluto at 22º;

4) Mars will go Direct, with both Jupiter and Pluto, Conjunct at 22º;

5) Moon in Libra at 25º Friday, November 13th, 2020, creating a Grand Cardinal Cross;

You might wish to join one of my Astrological and Tarot Meetups where I’ll be hosting some Q&A’s about what’s going on, and what to expect. Stay safe! Blessings, ~V~

[To support my work, please join my Patreon, at VoxxMagick]

Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, General, History, Legal Trials, Politics, Predictions, Retrogrades, Tarot, Television | No Comments »


Presidential Election 2020: Astrological Prediction

November 4th, 2020 by Voxx

297D2E11-0084-4121-AA63-54CBE5286B15The following information was gathered by professional Astrologers Voxx Voltair and Larry Pines (successor to iconic Astrologer, Carroll Righter, Ronald Reagan’s Astrologer), using the horary method. According to this chart, and several others it appears to indicate the Donald Trump will win the 2020 Presidential Election. I have studied many charts regarding this important question, and each time Trump’s Astrological Chart is favored.

[Note: Click Picture to enlarge.]

This article is not an indication of my personal viewpoint, but to illustrate the answer my colleague and I received.

Time of Horary Chart: November 3rd, 2020 (Tuesday) 8:13pm PST

Ascendant:  5º Cancer (Sign of the USA)

1) Neptune angular conjoining midheaven 18º Pisces. This indicates that Trump remains in power

2) Neptune retrograde, keeps Trump in office.

3) End of the matter: 17º Virgo in the 4th House/Nadir; Ruled by Mercury, Saturn and Venus (Duad decanate rulers).

4) Moon in 12th house indicates unknown actions behind the scenes that changes the outcome.

What in the hell does this mean? It means, that Trump’s planets are strong enough to win, and eclipse Joe’s planetary aspects. I am non-partisan all the way, and respect each candidate for the work they’ve done, but if there is an Astrological proof as to who the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election is, then it’s Donald J Trump; However, the Tarot favors Joe Biden. Feel free to scroll down the page to see the separate post, which includes my Tarot Layout, for in-depth details. As a Master Astrologer, and Grand Master of the Tarot, I’ve never seen anything like this. It does not bode well. In my past-life as Shakespeare’s sorceress, I would have heard him say, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” right about now.

A History of My Presidential Predictions: This is most definitely the strangest election I have ever encountered. Starting back in 1992, when I first filmed an interview on NBC to find out who would be the next President of the USA, when asked by the interviewer, I stated that Bill Clinton would not only win the Presidency, but would be re-elected! (Apparently, it was only the second time that a Democratic President would serve more than one term.) I had predicted them *all* successfully since 1980, but 1992 was the first time I did it extemporaneously on film for a news outlet (NBC).

The reason I mention this, is because I have also simply just “known” who would be President, usually without even knowing who was even in the running!

In July 2004, I was at a friend’s house in the kitchen eating dinner. The television was blaring in the other room, and it just happened to be on the channel which was airing the Democratic National Convention. As we ate in the kitchen, a man’s voice started speaking after a spate of applause from the crowd. I heard the man speaking, but I couldn’t even understand what he was saying. All I remember is that he had a particular “vibe”. People clapped intermittently as the man continued to speak. Soon after, I looked at my friend from across the table and simply said, “I don’t know who that guy is on the tv, but he’s going to be the next President of the United States.” That was it.

Finally, finished eating, I walked into the living room and stood in front of the television and asked my friend’s mother who “that guy” was, and she said, “That’s just the speaker,” she said. “What’s his name?” I asked, and she said, “Some guy I’ve never heard of, his name is weird, it’s Barack Obama.” True story. Just like the fact that this “guy” named Barack Obama went on to win the nomination for President. And Won. Twice. I predicted his win on my blog both times, feel free to visit the entries on the left margin of this site.

Living in Interesting Times: In my mind, the thing that does not make any sense whatsoever, is that NONE of the Divinations I’ve performed (nor anyone else’s) have made any sense. Ordinarily, Fate (or my Angel/Spirit Guide) just whispers in my ear and lets me know things very succinctly. Not this time. Even though I have predicted that all Hell’s going to break loose, and threats and lawsuits will be brought against both candidates and their respective parties.

It is quite apparent that our methods of voting and counting the votes needs to be improved upon. We have another four years to get it straight. The people of America have paid more than enough money to achieve some sort of working solution to this problem. We don’t need a Civil War, but at the rate we’re currently going, we just may start one. I’m praying as hard as I can.

Blessings to all,


© 2020 voxx.org

Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, General, History, Legal Trials, Literature, News, Politics, Predictions, Retrogrades, Tarot, Technology, Television | No Comments »




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