Great Tidings to you all upon this wondrous Midsummer’s Eve … which, by now is Midsummer’s Day.
It’s the night when the Queen of the Faeries — Mab, opens the door of Magick, between our world and her own.
I have always lived a life full of visions, music and magick since childhood. I prayed to the Sun and Moon, and spoke to the ocean tides, in love with Nature. Magick was always real to me, and continues to be.
I learned of Queen Mab as a child, and have been paying homage to her for many years, receiving great blessings over time.
Mab loves flowers, candy, glass beads and all kinds of sweet treats and trinkets. There are traditions of offering her these items, including the burning of summer incense and blue and white candles in her honor.
At midnite on June 23rd, (tonite), I did my yearly ritual to Queen Mab, and wrote her quite a lengthy poem, which I could tell delighted her. (I will publish it soon.)
In Mab’s honor, and to tune into her mystical presence, I made a special Midsummer’s Eve Faery Queen Oil, a combination of Frankincense, Pine, Rosemary and other summery scents, careful to use a magickal number of drops for each. (Contact me for the recipe).
After consecrating my altar and all the items, I conjured forth the denizens of the Faery Realm; The Sylphs of the East, the Salamanders of the South, the Undines of the West, and the Gnomes of the North, offering them sweets and other delights.
I anointed my candles with the Faery oil, and poured out spring water into a silver bowl, filled with magickal stones. Of course, no offering to Mab would be complete without adding some delicate flowers, including a rose wreath. Then, I burned a scroll filled with written wishes inside my cauldron, and afterward scattered the ashes to the four winds.
As the incense wafted thru the warm nite air, I scryed into my magick mirror, placed within a silver bowl filled with the blessed spring water. What visions, I may not tell — but, all good Faery Scryers receive personal mystical messages
In my vision, Queen Mab rode toward me from an astral vortex, in her magnificent Faery carriage, (drawn by 4 white horses) and swooped up my offerings, laughing wildly — as she loves to do.
Queen Mab speaks to me clairaudiently with the most lovely voice, and tells me secrets regarding Nature. She always brings inspiration and joy.
Faery folk herald Mab’s arrival filling the air with music from other worlds, which is ethereal and haunting — unlike any other sound I’ve ever heard. They play their flower trumpets, singing her praises in their tiny, gleeful voices, as they lead her procession into our world.
Queen Mab, and her Faeries will celebrate with us for a day of joy and glee, enchanting us all with their presence, if we but take the time to listen. May you all hear the song. ~V~
(Art by Henry Meynell Rheam ©)