Heartfelt congratulations on the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle! May your new life be filled with health and joy. I will be sharing the Astrology Chart and predictions soon. I’m sure you’ll want to know the details.
Introducing The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
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Astro Mayhem: May 15th, 2018
The last time I wrote about the planet Uranus entering a new sign was a little more than 7 years ago, three days before it entered Aries. (March 8th, 2011.)
At that time, I accurately predicted the Japanese tsunami, 72 hours before it occurred, here on this site. I knew all hell was going to break loose, and it did. The day after the tsunami, I accurately presaged the following nuclear disaster at Fukushima, (again, on this site.) So, you can imagine my trepidation at writing this post, when there are additional factors that will make today’s planetary movement more worrisome, and most likely, catastrophic.
What makes today’s planetary transits more volatile, is the fact that not only is bad boy Uranus moving into the fixed sign of Taurus, but Mars, the planet of War is also moving into the sign of Aquarius, which will make a hard, fixed square to Uranus — the planet of nuclear volatility and sudden disasters, usually having to do with the element of air.
This dangerous mix of planetary energies is set off by the New Moon in Taurus as well. Feel free to call me Lady Nostradamus.
The New Moon happens at 24 Degrees Taurus, which is the degree of the malefic fixed star, Caput Algol, indicating situations that will damage the throat, and/or stifle the voice of people. It is a fixed star which is associated with great violence.
Countries and cities ruled by Taurus and Aquarius, will be most strongly affected. This also includes people born under those sign, as well as people whose Rising Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
(See the list of City/Country Zodiacal Signs below at the end of this post.)
You would think consistently and accurately predicting and publishing events of this nature would garner more attention, but then again, what could I have done to prevent such events, or mitigated their outcomes? Not much. Was Japan going to evacuate millions of people with 72 hours notice? Of course not.
I’m not predicting the “end of the worldâ€, but I am definitely here to let you know that life is about to get real for all of us.
Forget the fluffy new age information you may have read about today’s historical movement of Uranus moving into Taurus. The divides between the wealthy and the poor, the healthy and the sick, is going to grow larger.
Uranus is the planetary ruler of revolution, and we all know what happened to the world the last time we saw Uranus in Taurus, between 1934 and 1941 (and before that 1850 through 1859.) War. We are certainly on the edge of it. Not just a war with ammunition, but a war within ourselves. Uranus does not like the restrictive sign of Taurus. The phrase, “Bull in a china closet†comes to mind.
Of course, there will be some positive things resulting from Uranus in Taurus, but the most pressing thing right now is the pressure on the Earth, in the form of volcanoes and earthquakes increasing in number, and severity.
Here is the rundown of planetary movements today, so you can pinpoint the times when these Astrological events will occur:
All times are for Pacific Standard Time:
* Sun Conjunction Moon (New Moon) – 4:48am
* Uranus Enters Taurus – 8:15am
* Moon Trine Mars – 1:29pm
* Mars Enters Aquarius – 9:55pm
This is a good time to contact me to find out how this historical movement of Planets will tend to affect your life, not only in the coming weeks and months, but for the next 7 years.
Partial List of City/Country Zodiacal Signs:
Taurus Places: Cyprus, Tasmania, Ireland, Capri, Switzerland, Rhodes, Cuba, East Timor, Serbia, Tanzania and Yemen.
Leo Places: Hawaii, Afghanistan, France, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, Zanzibar, Bhutan, Bolivia, Chad, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Singapore, Ukraine, and Madagascar.
Scorpio Places: Angola, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, Norway, Bavaria, Antigua, Barbuda, Cambodia, Dominica, Latvia, Lebanon, Micronesia. Panama, Turkey, Zambia,
Aquarius Places: Russia, Iran, Finaland, Sweden, Ethiopia, Rome, Sri Lanka, Hamburg, Helsinki, New Zealand, Salzburg, Bremen.
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