I have just released a new edit of my privately-published book on Magick, The Lemegenomicon.
It is a comprehensive book based upon the tradition of Solomonic Magick.
For more information, and to order a copy. ~V~
I have just released a new edit of my privately-published book on Magick, The Lemegenomicon.
It is a comprehensive book based upon the tradition of Solomonic Magick.
For more information, and to order a copy. ~V~
Posted in Black Magick, General, Goetia, Hexes, Moon Magick, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Publishing, Rituals, Thelema, Witchcraft | No Comments »
In Memoriam: The Father of Surrealism.
Today, I’m celebrating the birth of my favorite poet, Isidore Lucien Ducasse, more famously known as, Le Comte de Lautréamont. During his life, he completed writing only one complete book, but oh what a book it was!
Entitled “Les Chants de Maldoror”, (The Song of Maldoror) is one of the most mind-boggling, verbal hallucination ever written. If you have never read “Maldoror” (as it is often referred to), I suggest buying a copy today, in his honor. (Just scroll down this page, and you’ll see a link to buy the book from “My Book Club” on the right-side column).
For lovers of great surrealist poetry, take a minute to read a sample of this great artist’s work.
You can also read my special page, dedicated to Le Comte de Lautréamont, complete with an assortment of valuable links.
Let me know your thoughts upon reading this truly important, and startlingly original poet’s work. I’m sure that once you read his story, (and his poetry), you will reserve a special place in your library for the late, great Isidore. ~V~
Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.
Posted in Angels, Astrology, Celebrities, General, History, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Poetry, Poetry, Reincarnation, Royalty, Saints | No Comments »
Today is the 146th anniversary of the Greater Feast of The Beast, Edward Alexander Crowley, better-known as, Aleister Crowley, who was born on October 12th, 1875.
No matter what anyone has to say about him, Crowley was 100% responsible for the New Age, and Occult movements, as well as many of today’s spiritual acts of freedom. Find out more about Aleister Crowley on a special page dedicated to him at the Voxx Online Magick School. Blessings, ~V~
Join my Patreon for exclusive content, art and special events.
Posted in Angels, Astrology, Black Magick, Celebrities, Enochian Magick, General, History, Holidays, Kabbalah, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Publishing, Rituals, Satanism, Sexual Healing, Sexuality, Tarot, Thelema, Weird News, Wicca, Witchcraft | 1 Comment »
Voxx is an internationally-known Celebrity Psychic, Trance Medium, Hypnotherapist, Counselor and Life Coach. Voxx is also a Certified Grand Master of the Tarot, as well as a Master Astrologer, Numerologist, Qabalist, Theologian, Occult Scholar, Doctor of Metaphysics.
Voxx has been featured in the Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and other magazines.
Voxx’s Background: Born in Ethiopia, Africa, Voxx has lived in such diverse places as Saudi Arabia, Europe, and the United States, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
Other Schooling: In addition to her studies in Metaphysics, Voxx received her double Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the University of Tennessee. She has a degree in Hypnotherapy, and is a member of IMDHA.
Voxx’s Classes & Instruction: Voxx teaches a wide variety of classes. For a complete list, including details and Class Syllabuses for currently-offered classes, please write to her at voxx (at) voxx (dot) org.
Voxx Media Work: Voxx has appeared on many national television and radio shows, and podcasts as well as several films. She starred in her own nightly call-in advice show on radio station, KLSX, 97.1, FM, one of Los Angeles’ top radio stations. She has appeared on such networks as the BBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and KCOP.
Voxx on the Airwaves (Podcast): As the host of Voxx The Psychic Podcast, Voxx is a pioneer in podcasting, hosting a weekly, one-hour podcast since 2006.
Voxx/Multimedia Artist: Voxx is a published poet, artist, and an author of several privately-printed books, available for sale through The Voxx Magickal Store.
Posted in Astrology, Hypnotherapy, Kabbalah, News, Occult Psychology, Podcast, Tarot | No Comments »
My friend Paulette Cooper, (author of the new book, The 100 Top Psychics & Astrologers in America, 2014) was recently questioned about the trend of Psychics now claiming to also be Mediums, who allegedly “speak with the dead.”
According to a reporter, an increasing number of Psychics claim to be able to speak to the dead. I think it’s time for a good explanation, so that’s why I’ve decided to shed some light on the subject, from a professional Psychic’s point of view.
Paulette explained that she has noticed, “An increasing number of psychics now claim to also be Mediums, and offer to contact the dead. And more clients are demanding to talk to those who have passed over.”
Cooper has personally interviewed almost 200 Psychics, since 1996. She adds, “Twenty years ago when I started interviewing psychics, only those considered woo-woo called themselves a “Medium”. Now most will contact your dead Aunt Tootie,” she said.
As for myself, I am a well-known Trance Medium, having channeled the spirits of such celebrities, as Elvis, Michael Jackson, and countless others — on live television for the BBC and other national tv networks, so I feel particularly qualified to explain the situation. (Note: In addition, I have been featured in Paulette’s book, for the second time, although this has no bearing on my personal, psychic opinion.)
In the interest of explaining what’s behind this Psychic Medium trend, I share my thoughts on this delicate subject, below.
I believe the underlying problem is not that more Psychics are claiming to speak with the dead, but that more people are falsely claiming to be Psychic in the first place.
A true Psychic possesses certain God-given abilities such as Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience. A more intensified form of these two abilities enables a Psychic to act as a Medium, (formerly called a Trance Medium) receiving visions and auditory information from beings on what is commonly now known as, The Astral Plane.
It is not uncommon for “regular” Psychics to hone their abilities over time, and become more “Mediumistic” — able to reach even deeper levels of psychic awareness.Â
The biggest challenge comes from trying to identify which people are truly Psychic in the first place. Once a person can prove their Psychic’s authenticity, it is easier to find out if the information they provide is true. Usually, this proof grows over time as a true Psychic’s clientele will experience for themselves.
People who pretend to be “Psychics” and/or “Mediums” are usually trying to make money by targeting poor, unsuspecting victims. Unfortunately, such frauds get more attention — and more quickly, than the authentic Psychics. Mostly, because a great number of people tend to not want to divulge the fact that they actually visit a Psychic in the first place!
In the last 20 years, the idea of Psychic phenomena has become increasingly familiar, and accepted by a wide range of the public, even a large cross-section of Christians seem to be open to the idea of speaking with the dead.
I attribute this need to “speak with the dead”, to the breakdown of the family unit. Years ago, people had the privilege of speaking to an elderly family member in order to get advice. With that option gone, it seems that many people seek to fill that void, in search of a connection with the deceased. I have shared these views with members of a popular Seance Meetup in Los Angeles, CA)
I think it is very important to first find an authentic Psychic (usually by word-of-mouth, or respected sources), and then ask them if they have the ability of a Trance Medium. Most ethical Psychic practitioners will answer this question honestly.
During the session, if the Psychic gives you incorrect information, then the client should end the session, and leave. Making oneself “open” to the suggestions of a fake Psychic is not suggested.
There is a trend for certain Psychics (whether real or not), to call themselves Mediums, when they are actually Mind Readers. Reading a person’s mind is a Psychic ability, and may sound impressive; However, merely reading a person’s mind (no matter how accurately it is done), does NOT predict the future.
What is already in a person’s mind concerns only the present tense. This explains the success of certain Psychics who have this ability, but are not Predictive Psychics. Therefore, an authentic Psychic may NOT know your grandmother’s middle name (which is already known by the client), but may be able to give an accurate prediction of future events, currently unknown by the Client, nor anyone else.
Example of a Mind Reader: If you and your now-deceased grandfather, shared a secret that only the two of you know about, a Psychic (or a simple Mind Reader) can retrieve this information from your sub-conscious mind, and impress you with it; However, this information came from YOU, because you are the only one left who remembers it.
This is the “trick” that most popular “Mediums” use to share info they receive from the deceased. It’s still quite impressive. And who doesn’t want to believe it, considering the great sense of relief and consolation gained as a result?
Quite frankly, it’s my experience that mere Mind Readers make people more happy than actual Psychics, who more often have serious and/or distressing information to share, regarding reality.
I’m not trying to discourage anyone from receiving solace, but trying to educate people regarding the difference between Real Psychics, as opposed to gifted Mind Readers vs. Faux/Psychics/Mediums.
I feel this info is really important to share, as the charlatans who people the field of spirituality make it increasingly difficult for us real ones to be taken seriously. I plan to write more about the subject soon. Feel free to share this post with your friends.
You may publish this post by written permission only. Thank you. Contact me at voxx (at) voxx (dot) org.
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