Edgar Allan Poe: Birth of the Genius of Grief

January 19th, 2025 by Voxx


Edgar Allan Poe was born on this day, January 19th, 1809 at 1:00 am, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Today, marks the 216th Anniversary of his birth.

I wish only to pay homage to Poe, the Genius of Grief. His poetry will live on forever, in the hears of those who have truly known love and loss. Thank you Edgar, for the gift of your words. Rest in peace. ~V~

View his Astro Chart


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Posted in Angels, General, History, Literature, Memento Mori, Poetry, Poetry | No Comments »


Queen Elizabeth & the Full Moon in Pisces

September 8th, 2022 by Voxx


The time is upon us to wish the beloved Queen Elizabeth II a spiritual farewell. With seven planets retrograde, and Mercury going retrograde within hours, what else could we astrologically expect?

In a year ending in a Master Number, 22… the time has come for many endings. This one will be historic. Never in history has there been a person like Queen Elizabeth II. She has been the longest-reigning monarch we have known.


Full Moon in Pisces Chart: With tomorrow’s Full Moon in Pisces at 17º Pisces, I can assure you that tears will be flowing due to the news we will hear.

I can sense that she wants to be with her beloved husband, Prince Phillip. She has made sure that things will run smoothly once she is gone.

[Below] Astro Birth Chart of Queen Elizabeth II: What an incredible woman we have had the honor to know. May she find peace on her journey. Thank you Elizabeth. There shall never be another like you. Thank you for your service. ~V~



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Sir John Dee: Upon his 495th Birthday

July 12th, 2022 by Voxx

Today marks the 495th birthday of the legend, Sir John Dee. He was born in England on this day, in 1527, and died in 1609. During his life, he was a respected Astrologer, Mathematician, Alchemist and Magician, during an age when such forbidden subjects were punishable by execution.

From his working house in Mortlake, London, he was Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, and wrote many learned treatises including The Monas Hieroglyphia, and developed the Enochian system of Angel Magick.

I have studied his Magickal system for many years, and can attest to its incredible efficacy. Feel free to contact me to learn more about this Magickal art, to which we owe a great spiritual debt to Sir John Dee for earthing its secrets to mankind.


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Enochian Magick, General, History, Holidays, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Moon Magick, News, Pagan News, Psychic Events, Royalty, Weird News | No Comments »


Le Comte de Lautréamont: In Memoriam

April 4th, 2022 by Voxx

In Memoriam: The Father of Surrealism.

Today, I’m celebrating the birth of my favorite poet, Isidore Lucien Ducasse, more famously known as, Le Comte de Lautréamont. During his life, he completed writing only one complete book, but oh what a book it was!

Entitled “Les Chants de Maldoror”, (The Song of Maldoror) is one of the most mind-boggling, verbal hallucination ever written. If you have never read “Maldoror” (as it is often referred to), I suggest buying a copy today, in his honor. (Just scroll down this page, and you’ll see a link to buy the book from “My Book Club” on the right-side column).

For lovers of great surrealist poetry, take a minute to read a sample of this great artist’s work.

You can also read my special page, dedicated to Le Comte de Lautréamont, complete with an assortment of valuable links.

Let me know your thoughts upon reading this truly important, and startlingly original poet’s work. I’m sure that once you read his story, (and his poetry), you will reserve a special place in your library for the late, great Isidore. ~V~


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Celebrities, General, History, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Poetry, Poetry, Reincarnation, Royalty, Saints | No Comments »


Jaco Pastorius: Missing The Master at 70

December 1st, 2021 by Voxx

28E56C8C-97ED-4D0D-8AB2-EBD0034C3380The bass guitar. Jaco. There is simply nothing else that can be said. He was a genius, a master, a shape-shifter. One of the most influential musicians of all time.

Jaco I miss you so much. You were, and continue to be an inspiration to me, in music, and even more, in life.

There are some who wonder what kind of music you’d be making now — I say to them, there was nothing that could have been added to the vocabulary of your musical artistry.

Know that we still listen to your music — that it still inspires, still blows minds. I am grateful to have had the gift of watching you play live, as a young girl. My sonic fantasy.

Beautiful soul, may you rest easy, but never in total peace, for that would not be you, would it?

The Life of Jaco Pastorius

Astrology Chart of Jaco Pastorius


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Posted in Angels, Celebrities, General, History, Holidays, Memento Mori, Royalty | No Comments »




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