Full Moon in Virgo 8º – What To Expect

February 26th, 2021 by Voxx

E21883BC-0D5F-4D37-B794-DF3A988D05F9The Full Moon in Virgo will occur at 3:17:44 am EST, S aturday. (12:17:44 am PST). It is also known as the “Worm Moon”, as well as the “Snow Moon”, and the Native Americans called it, the “Hunger Moon”, as food was scarce at this time of year. We can definitely see it has been a “Snow Moon”, this year.

In the sign of Virgo, (6th Sign of the Zodiac), our attention is drawn to issues that are ruled by that Zodiacal House, namely — Health and Education (particularly elementary school). With the continuing pandemic, both those subjects are tightly-bound.

The Full Moon will happen at 8º Virgo, thus it will most effect those with any planets in Virgo most strongly. Here is a list of the signs and degrees which will be most effected:

Virgo, from 5º to 11º (Moon Conjunction)
Pisces, from 5º to 11º (Moon Opposition)
Gemini, from 5º to 11º (Moon Square)
Sagittarius, from 5º to 11º (Moon square)

The famed Astrologer, Isidore Kozminsky, wrote in his important book on Sabian Symbols, entitled, “360 Zodiac Symbols”, explained this degree of Virgo:

8º Virgo: Sabian Symbol:
A man, holding a pen in his right hand and a sword in his left, standing at the entrance to a palace.
Denotes one of forceful and aggressive mind who presses onwards with energy and determination. His assertiveness will not easily be opposed, and in all his dealings with others he demands the answer to be “Yes” or “No,” for to his mind there is no middle course. He will draw to himself great responsibilities and will ever be involved in argument and dispute. It is a symbol of Assertion.


The effects of this particular Full Moon will have everyone going over plans, multiple times. Fine-tuning is the word, and not only that — there will be much fault-finding, arguing, fussing, and agitation. Food allergies, and/or food recalls will be in the news, as well as the heightened need for sterilization. Problems with schools (shootings), and explosions in health facilities and chemical plants are more likely as well. No matter what, pay attention to your health and your living routine. Time to get things in order.

It’s also a wonderful time to contact me for one of my extremely helpful Hypnotherapy sessions. Feel free to contact me to find out more about what to expect, and how to plan during this intensely inward-looking time. (Text 323-782-0222).

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