In Memoriam: The Father of Surrealism.
Today, I’m celebrating the birth of my favorite poet, Isidore Lucien Ducasse, more famously known as, Le Comte de Lautréamont. During his life, he completed writing only one complete book, but oh what a book it was!
Entitled “Les Chants de Maldoror”, (The Song of Maldoror) is one of the most mind-boggling, verbal hallucination ever written. If you have never read “Maldoror” (as it is often referred to), I suggest buying a copy today, in his honor. (Just scroll down this page, and you’ll see a link to buy the book from “My Book Club” on the right-side column).
For lovers of great surrealist poetry, take a minute to read a sample of this great artist’s work.
You can also read my special page, dedicated to Le Comte de Lautréamont, complete with an assortment of valuable links.
Let me know your thoughts upon reading this truly important, and startlingly original poet’s work. I’m sure that once you read his story, (and his poetry), you will reserve a special place in your library for the late, great Isidore. ~V~
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