Mercury Retrograde: In Gemini and Taurus

May 19th, 2009 by Voxx

disks 05Trust me, after you read this post, you might want to schedule a Psychic Reading to find out how to deal with the current Mercury Retrograde!

For those of you haven’t heard, here is the basic explanation of Mercury Retrograde (The explanation is at the bottom of the page).

It is easy to tell how affected everyone is by the current Mercury Retrograde, which started on May 7th, 2009, when Mercury was at 1 Degree Gemini. Mercury has now moved back to 27 Degrees Taurus, which brings up issues that we erroneously thought were resolved back around April 27th, and/or earlier.

It’s no doubt a challenge for those born under the Zodiacal signs of Taurus and Scorpio, or for those who have the planet Mercury in either of those signs as well.

Whenever Mercury is retrograde in a Fixed Sign, (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio), as it is now — there’s no escaping the fact that we have to plan better for the future, and deal with financial matters in a more practical manner. It’s not all gloom and doom, so just keep a good outlook, and take care of business.

Mercury will begin its forward motion again on May 31st, 2009 at 22 Degrees Taurus, and will reach the degree at which it started its retrograde motion on June 16th, 2009, whereupon things should get back to normal (whatever that is!)

As always, refrain from signing important contracts until June 16th, 2009. Try to put off major work or overhauls, in particular work dealing with communication — meaning, if you have to do work on your home (plumbing, wiring, etc.) wait until June 16th, or you’ll be setting yourself up for an annoying surprise when the work needs to be redone at a later date.

In the meantime, keep cool, and feel free to contact me for more info.


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