The Full Moon in Aries is great for starting new projects, meeting new people (especially now that Mercury Retrograde is over!) Lots of excitement, as we head into a Scorpionic energy on October 23rd, as well.
On the safe side — please be aware that the Full Moon in Aries is the first Full Moon of the Zodiacal year! It’s going to be full of lots of energy, which can make you go over the top. At this time, places such as Japan tend to have more seismic activity, resulting in earthquakes. All places ruled by Aries and Libra will notice this effect.
Please choose your actions and words wisely for the next 24 hours. Things should settle down, once the Moon enter Taurus within the next day.
To obtain a copy of this month’s Full Moon in Aries, Lunar Talisman, join my Patreon!
Blessings, ~V~
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