Historic Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn

April 4th, 2020 by Voxx

Today on April 4, 2020 at 7:45pm (PDT), is a historic astrological day which last occurred over 200 years ago, in 1771.

The big boy planet, Jupiter is conjuncting bad boy planet, Pluto in the dark earth sign of Capricorn at 24 Degrees. Mind you, that this is only the first of three conjunctions which will occur in 2020. The other two conjunctions between these major planets will happen on June 30 and November 12.

What is interesting to note, is that the last time Jupiter and Pluto conjuncted each other in Capricorn (1771), it marked the beginning of the Russian Plague. Although this particular planetary transit happens every 13 years (in different signs), it is particularly devastating in the crushing sign of Capricorn, which is the opposite sign ruling the United States. In fact, when Pluto was in Cancer in the 30’s, we witnesssed World Wars, and the Great Depression. Pluto in Capricorn attacks the opposite sign of Cancer, which rules the home, and our sense of security.

On other fronts, this conjunction is being naively heralded optimistically; Let’s just call it is as it is. It’s horrifying. Terrible. The so-called, “social transformation” is forced, and largely a command — not the time we really feel loving and supportive of one another; However, it’s more of a “get along, or perish” scenario.

The Capricorn vibe will make us selfish, and uncompassionate through sheer levels of unmitigated fear. Jupiter doesn’t do a damn thing but intensify the negative energy. The Tarot symbol of Jupiter is the Wheel — and we can feel ourselves being crushed by it. Jupiter can heal too… but, right now, he’s in a very greedy sign.

With that said, the negativity we are all dealing with will no doubt force us to find compassion for one another. The lessons we can take away from this soul-crushing time in history will be to realize — we need each other. Let’s stick together — that’s the only way we are going to make it thru this time. I send peace and healing to you all.


Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, News, Psychic Events | No Comments »


The 4/4/4 Ascension Healing: April 4, 2020

April 3rd, 2020 by Voxx

Today, April, 4th, 2020 (Saturday), holds a special numerological and astrological significance.

Many spiritual practitioners and healers will be tapping into this extraordinary day, with major “4” energies. At 7:45pm PDT, the planet Jupiter will be conjuncting Pluto at 24 Degrees in the sign of Capricorn. (See the accompanying post regarding the Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction, after this one.)

The date will be the 4th day of the 4th month, in a year whose numbers added together, also equal 4. Technically, 4-4-2020, equals 12, a number of perfection (3×4).

In the mystical Qabalah, the number 4 is associated with the planet Jupiter, whose ruler is the King of the Gods. Jupiter is also the sphere known as “Chesed”, or “Mercy”, on the Pillar of Mildness on the Tree of Life. Jupiter is also associated with the letter, “K”, (“Kaph” in Hebrew, which means, “Palm of the hand”).

Jupiter, is also known as the Lord of Transformation and Healing, and thus, with all the various magickal associations of Jupiter and his ruling number, it is a perfect time to enter into meditation upon this powerful number. With the world in a state of great suffering and imbalance, the number 4 can lend a sense of stability and security to those whose lives are in chaos right now.

In Egyptian magick, the number “444” is associated with the Phoenix of Rebirth. On this special day, we seek to align ourselves with the force of healing, with the magickal bird of resurrection as a focus.

Meditation Ideas: To join all of us as we enter into this sacred vibration of healing for the world, you may wish to prepare yourself by taking a ritual bath with lavender, and put on blue clothing — the colour associated with Jupiter. At this time, it would be a great idea to go onto YouTube, and find a recording of the Solfeggio tone, “528”, a sound associated with healing and miracles. You can also listen to the sounds associated with the planet Jupiter, which are found on the NASA channel. You may also wish to gaze upon the Tarot cards associated with Jupiter, “The Wheel of Fortune”, and “Temperance”.

You will want to get into your sacred space at 6:45pm PDT, so you can take advantage of the full force of the accompanying Astrological energy as well. The exact aspect happens at 7:45pm PDT, and during that time until 30 minutes afterward, you will be able to direct your energies toward healing yourself, and the world of terrible COVID-19 Virus, which is creating so much suffering around the world.

Let us join together on this special day, in love and unity, and tune into the regenerating frequency of Jupiter. May we all experience the Mercy associated with the Jupiterian frequency of positive transformation, and the miracle of healing. Blessed Be.


Posted in Angels, Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Healing, Kabbalah, Numerology, Psychic Events, Rituals | No Comments »




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