Full Moon in Aquarius: 7-23-21

July 23rd, 2021 by Voxx

1C40A9BF-69C2-491D-A37E-05A0678EC2BFThe Full Moon in Aquarius will happen tonight, on Friday, July 23rd, 2021, at 1º Aquarius at 10:38pm EST.

This signifies the Astrological end of the current Waxing Lunar Cycle. For those unfamiliar with Lunar Phases, the Full Moon occurs in the opposite sign of the current Zodiacal sign the Sun is in. In this case, the Sun is currently in Leo at 1º, thus making the Full Moon aspect. Here’s what you can reasonably expect:

1) Effects on Leo & Aquarius: Those born under the signs of Leo and Aquarius will be most affected. Leos may feel as if their actions are being “blocked”, in some way. Leos may deal with difficulties regarding electronics, communications, self-worth and moodiness — as their Solar energies are overpowered by the energies of the Moon. Aquarians will deal with an excess of nervous energy, rushing into dangerous situations, and be prone to sudden changes in fortune, depending on the positivity of their personal Astrological aspects.

2) Effects on Taurus and Scorpio: The other Fixed Signs, Taurus and Scorpio will definitely feel the heat as well. Taureans will be aggravated with sudden changes in plans, and Scorpio will feel compelled to force their decisions onto others. Good luck with that.

3) Effects On Other Signs:  The other signs will no doubt feel nervous energies, due to the suddenness of changes, due to the volatile and always surprising Aquarian energies. The best thing to do right now, is to get away from the noise for awhile — your back porch may be the safest place right now (unless you live in a big city)… So keep to yourself and meditate during the hour before the Full Moon, and meditate on all you have learned in the last two weeks — which is probably a lot!

4) Global Effects: Aquarius rules Electricity, and we can expect lightning strikes, which will tend to spark more fires. So, don’t be surprised at the crazy weather, certain to cause chaos all over the world. More than usual.

5) People: Since Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and Mercury is the planet of Healing, Communication and Commerce — Vaccine information will continue to fill the headlines.

For heaven’s sake — get your vaccine! Don’t be foolish, and don’t be selfish! I will be posting more about the Pandemic in another post. Until then, stay out of trouble, and stay healthy.


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Welcome to Voxx.Org

July 3rd, 2021 by Voxx

Voxx is an internationally-known Celebrity Psychic, Trance Medium, Hypnotherapist, Counselor and Life Coach. Voxx is also a Certified Grand Master of the Tarot, as well as a Master Astrologer, Numerologist, Qabalist, Theologian, Occult Scholar, Doctor of Metaphysics.

Voxx has been featured in the Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and other magazines.

Voxx’s Background: Born in Ethiopia, Africa, Voxx has lived in such diverse places as Saudi Arabia, Europe, and the United States, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

Other Schooling: In addition to her studies in Metaphysics, Voxx received her double Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the University of Tennessee, an MA in Theology from the University of Exeter, UK, and also has a degree in Hypnotherapy, and is a member of IMDHA.

Voxx’s Classes & Instruction: Voxx teaches a wide variety of classes. For a complete list, including details and Class Syllabuses for currently-offered classes, please write to her at voxx (at) voxx (dot) org.

Voxx Media Work: Voxx has appeared on many national television and radio shows, and podcasts as well as several films. She starred in her own nightly call-in advice show on radio station, KLSX, 97.1, FM, one of Los Angeles’ top radio stations. She has appeared on such networks as the BBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and KCOP.

Voxx on the Airwaves (Podcast): As the host of Voxx The Psychic Podcast, Voxx is a pioneer in podcasting, hosting a weekly, one-hour podcast since 2006.

Voxx/Multimedia Artist: Voxx is a published poet, artist, and an author of several privately-printed books, available for sale through The Voxx Magickal Store.

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