Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 12º

December 3rd, 2021 by Voxx

3946D178-DD66-4B0A-88D0-0F2522B97A3BThe New Moon will also be a Total Solar Eclipse, happening in the sign of Sagittarius at 12º. Solar Eclipses have always been associated with the idea of Magick, and a time of great change.

The Sun, as life-giver of all on our planet, at this time is covered over by the Moon, starting a new Lunar Cycle.

In the 9th Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, we will be challenged to overcome our fears of all that is foreign, strange, or unfamiliar to ourselves.

The 9th House of the Zodiac, which is ruled by Sagittarius, is all about higher states of consciousness, religion, philosophy and long-distance travel — not only in physics terms, but in psychological, and spiritual terms as well.

With that in mind, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is primarily concerned with the process of Transformation, and in particular, Alchemy.

At this time, it will serve us well to open our eyes to appreciating all that is different from ourselves. Welcoming the change that is coming, before being overwhelmed by the process.

Jupiter/Zeus, has always been depicted as having union with diverse goddesses and gods, not to impart the idea of unfaithfulness, but to suggest the idea of inclusiveness! Zeus literally loves everybody. He wants to experience life from ever angle. Unfortunately, this is harder for other beings to accept.

While the Sun is eclipsed by the adventurous Moon, don’t be surprised at the sudden urge to move on… let go. See where life takes you. You might be happily satisfied by the new direction your life will be taking.

Sabian Symbol for 12º Sagittarius:
The symbol for this degree, is a coiled serpent, above which is a grinning skull. This degree denotes one of a vicious temperament who is liable to be obsessed and used by the dark forces. A strong and beneficent power over him may transmute his nature and aid him to overcome ill fate, but evil is more likely to attend him and make him her victim. It is a symbol of Overthrowing.

Click this link to read some interesting information on various Solar Eclipse Legends

Click this link to watch the Solar Eclipse via Live Stream


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Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Moon Magick, Pagan News, Psychic Events, Superstition, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »


Jaco Pastorius: Missing The Master at 70

December 1st, 2021 by Voxx

28E56C8C-97ED-4D0D-8AB2-EBD0034C3380The bass guitar. Jaco. There is simply nothing else that can be said. He was a genius, a master, a shape-shifter. One of the most influential musicians of all time.

Jaco I miss you so much. You were, and continue to be an inspiration to me, in music, and even more, in life.

There are some who wonder what kind of music you’d be making now — I say to them, there was nothing that could have been added to the vocabulary of your musical artistry.

Know that we still listen to your music — that it still inspires, still blows minds. I am grateful to have had the gift of watching you play live, as a young girl. My sonic fantasy.

Beautiful soul, may you rest easy, but never in total peace, for that would not be you, would it?

The Life of Jaco Pastorius

Astrology Chart of Jaco Pastorius


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Posted in Angels, Celebrities, General, History, Holidays, Memento Mori, Royalty | No Comments »

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