I have just released a new edit of my privately-published book on Magick, The Lemegenomicon.
It is a comprehensive book based upon the tradition of Solomonic Magick.
For more information, and to order a copy. ~V~
I have just released a new edit of my privately-published book on Magick, The Lemegenomicon.
It is a comprehensive book based upon the tradition of Solomonic Magick.
For more information, and to order a copy. ~V~
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Today is the 146th anniversary of the Greater Feast of The Beast, Edward Alexander Crowley, better-known as, Aleister Crowley, who was born on October 12th, 1875.
No matter what anyone has to say about him, Crowley was 100% responsible for the New Age, and Occult movements, as well as many of today’s spiritual acts of freedom. Find out more about Aleister Crowley on a special page dedicated to him at the Voxx Online Magick School. Blessings, ~V~
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Posted in Angels, Astrology, Black Magick, Celebrities, Enochian Magick, General, History, Holidays, Kabbalah, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Publishing, Rituals, Satanism, Sexual Healing, Sexuality, Tarot, Thelema, Weird News, Wicca, Witchcraft | 1 Comment »
WWII Hero and POW, Kyle Taylor Shubert celebrates his 98th birthday today. He saved an entire POW camp full of Japanese prisoners, from certain death at only 23 years old, in August, 1945. I have the honor of calling him my father and friend. Our new book, about his experience as a POW, will be released soon. Many happy returns to the greatest man I know. Love, and Blessings, ~V~
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My Father was the most incredible person I have ever met. He had the most remarkable life — a long and adventurous one, that almost didn’t happen, and one that almost ended too soon.
Dad, who went by the nickname, Charlie — was an exact copy of Tom Sawyer, complete with his little dog, Carlo. Together, they roamed the hills of Tennessee, getting into mischief at every turn.
When Charlie turned 17 years old, he asked his step-father to allow him to join the Navy, and the rest was literally, history.
Shortly after enlisting, he was stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; However, due to a series of fortunate events, he was transferred to the South Asiatic Fleet, and was sent to Manila, luckily escaping the tragic bombing of Pearl Harbor, by the Japanese.
Shortly after the formal start of WWII, my father’s ship, the USS Pope, was torpedoed and sunk in the Straits of Makasser. My father was saved at sea by a Japanese ship, along with 168 other men, and became the first POW’s ever taken aboard a Japanese ship, thanks to their illustrious Captain, named Antrim.
All men were put into a POW concentration camp at Makassar for the rest of the entire war, until my father’s actions helped liberate the death camp.
My father and I wrote his biography together over a period of several years, and it will soon be published, with a collection of his original drawings, never-before seen.
On this Father’s Day, I and my family continue to miss this wildly fascinating, intelligent and spiritual man. There shall never again be one like him. A true American original.
God bless you in heaven Daddy. I know that’s where you are.
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Celebrating the 127th birthday of the incomparable horror fantasy writer, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, more commonly known as H.P. Lovecraft.
An admirer of Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft spent countless childhood hours reading his books, due to tragic situations regarding both his parents, who were both committed (at different times) to insane asylums in Providence, Rhode Island.
Other than reading and writing horror fiction, Lovecraft was fascinated with Astronomy; However, he was unable to finish his schooling due to a nervous breakdown he suffered before his high school graduation.
Lovecraft lived a solitary life, and rarely ventured outside his home. Despite this, he had a large number of literary friends and admirers, and wound up writing close to 100,000 letters to them throughout his relatively short life.
Of all his works, he is most known for his “Cthulhu Mythosâ€, a series of stories regarding an ancient chthonic water deity. So fascinating was the first story he wrote about the creature, that his admirers started adding their own versions and continuations through the years.
Some of his friends, admirers and students include some of the greatest writers of the last century, including Robert Bloch (writer of the classic, “Psychoâ€), and Robert E. Howard (“Conan the Barbarianâ€), and fantasy writer and poet, Clark Ashton Smith.
Although Lovecraft has inspired many modern films, I personally feel that none have really done his work justice, as his tales are so filled with subjective horror, they really can’t be put to film.
The following links will take you to free versions of several of my personal favorites:
“The Call of Cthulhuâ€, (the story that started it all.)
“The Shadow Out of Timeâ€, (this one will seriously blow your mind.)
“The Dreams in the Witch Houseâ€, (incredibly horrifying!)
“At the Mountains of Madnessâ€, (John Carpenter’s film, “The Thingâ€, was inspired by this story.
— and Lovecraft’s epic masterpiece …
“The Case of Charles Dexter Wardâ€
If you’ve never heard of Lovecraft, I encourage you to read his works, and discover his dark genius for yourself. Below is a link to more information about him, and his writings.
Oh, and when you’re reading his stories, it might be best to leave the lights on… not that it will help.
The Strange Lore of the Grave of Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Posted in Astrology, Black Magick, General, H.P. Lovecraft, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Publishing, Reviews | No Comments »