Mercury Retro at 25º Libra (9-27-21)

September 26th, 2021 by Voxx

On Monday, September 27th at 1:10am EST, the predictably unpredictable planet Mercury will go Retrograde in the sign of Libra at 25 degrees.

As one of the first media Astrologers in radio, since the 90’s, the news of Mercury Retrograde has finally been acknowledged by the public, which has hopefully made a positive difference in the way people plan their words and actions more thoughtfully, during such a time.

One of the more dangerous details about Mercury Retro on Monday, is that the planet Venus will be at in Scorpio 19 Degrees — a particularly challenging, and flat-out awful degree…(To read more, join my Patreon.)

Blessings, ~V~

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Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, History, News, Pagan News, Predictions, Psychic Events, Retrogrades, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »

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