Isidore Lucien Ducasse: Memento Mori Maldoror

November 25th, 2007 by Voxx

maldororthegreat.gifI observe the 24th day of November as a personal day of remembrance in honor of Isidore Lucien Ducasse. He was a great poet of the 1800’s, considered by the artist/poet, Andre Breton to be the true father of Surrealism.

On this day, in the year 1870, Isidore died at the age of 24, under the usual Mysterious Circumstances, almost a necessary element of any true poet’s legend.

Do yourself a favor and go quietly insane after reading 3 sentences from any chapter of Ducasse’s masterpiece, “Les Chants de Maldoror” (“The Songs of Maldoror”).  It’s one of the few books I offer directly through my site, so you can click on the previous link, or scroll down the right-side of this page, and click to get your own copy.  I’ve had mine for many years.

Maldoror was written under Ducasse’s nomme de guerre, “Le Comte de Lautreamont”.

Read more about my friend Isidore by visiting the following links. Unjoy.

Isidore Lucien Ducasse (Le Comte de Lautreamont) Links:

Ducasse on Wikipedia

Maldoror Memorial Page

Maldoror on MySpace

Buy “Maldoror” on Amazon Here!

More Maldoror Links …

Posted in Black Magick, Memento Mori, Saints, Weird News | 1 Comment »


Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn

November 19th, 2007 by Voxx

acfamous.gifToday marks the 109th anniversary of Aleister Crowley’s initiation into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (G.’.D.’.), which he joined on November 18th, 1875, receiving his Neophyte Degree (0=0). It was upon that occasion Crowley took his legendary Latin motto, “Perdurabo” (“I will endure unto the end”).

Crowley’s introduction to the magickal order was through George Cecil Jones, a gentleman whom he met after he had left Cambridge University. Jones further introduced Crowley to Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (S.L.M. Mathers) who invited him to join the G.’.D.’.

Frater Perdurabo (as he was known in the group) rose rapidly up the ranks of the Order, and by the year 1900, Crowley had achieved the grade of Adeptus Minor, no small magickal feat.

In that same year, a huge schism took place within the Order that left it in ruins, with Crowley severing ties with the group altogether.

Still, today is a day to remember as Crowley’s first real step upon the road of Magick, without which (in my opinion), Western Occultism would most likely not exist as it does. Certainly, the art of metaphysics and the occult have been forever changed by the force that was Crowley.

Posted in Magick, Pagan News, Thelema | 2 Comments »


No Show Tonight (11/12/07)

November 13th, 2007 by Voxx

Solomon-Talismans-Sun6.jpgGreetings All,

I won’t be hosting the show tonight — sorry! I’ll be back next week for a regularly scheduled show. I’ve had a really hectic schedule doing readings and teaching classes so it’s taking awhile to catch up with publishing some of the archived podcasts as well.

If you can’t wait to get an on-air reading, please call me directly at 323-782-0222 or email me to schedule an appointment.

Remember to join the The Voxx Magickal Forum too.


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Happy Samhain 2007!

November 1st, 2007 by Voxx

Just wanted to wish all a great Samhain holiday this year! I’m out celebrating tonight … so I’ll be back with another post tomorrow!

Posted in Holidays, Magick, Pagan News | No Comments »

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