Full Moon in Libra

April 2nd, 2007 by Voxx

s_adju.jpgToday at 10:15 am (PST), the Moon will be Full in the Sign of Libra, at 21:35 Degrees.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have suffered losses due to the earthquakes and tsunamis over the last couple of days. But, of course — the listeners of my weekly psychic radio show have known about these upcoming events for quite some time, as I predicted these events months ago, with the help of Astrology.

The first series of events that acted as a trigger effect were the dual eclipses we experienced on March 3rd, and again on March 18th. Then, Mercury moved back direct recently. Finally, the Planet Pluto went retrograde in the Sign of Sagittarius, at 28:00 Degrees on Saturday, and today’s Full Moon in Libra is just the kind of planetary aspect that sets off huge events such as this.

It seems that there will be more upheaval in this area during the next 6 months, as there will be a few more intense planetary aspects coming up. So, just to be on the safe side, I’d suggest getting your earthquake kits updated with new supplies. It isn’t over yet!

Healing Ritual: If you can, either before or right at the time of the Full Moon, light a white or light blue candle for healing, and balance — hallmarks of the sign of Libra. Oils to use are Violet and Rose. Stones that are special at this time are Turquoise and Opals. Light some Rose incense, or get a fresh flower to put on your desk to brighten your mood.

Avoiding Full Moon Tension: As Libra rules Balance, Relationships, Legalities and Marriage, I’d suggest taking a break for a minute, if you have to deal with such subjects today. Whatever you do, keep your cool — don’t make major decisions on a Full Moon. Also, stay clear of arguments and just relax if you can. You certainly don’t need another headache when you should be enjoying the artistic influx of ideas that are much more beneficial to your well-being. Indulge if you must, but only in things that will bring you balance during this stressful time.

Posted in Astrology, Predictions, Rituals | 1 Comment »


One Response

  1. Voxx


    Here’s hoping you all have a great day. Let me know what kind of rituals you’re doing today.


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