Pluto Goes Direct at 28º – Facing a Nuclear War

October 9th, 2023 by Voxx

IMG_1301I have long made some very accurate, and disturbing Astrological predictions, over the last several decades. Unfortunately, I am compelled to make a new one.

The planet Pluto goes stationary later today at 6:10pm PDT, and 9:10pm EDT. As Pluto is at 28º degrees, it will start making its direction motion at the above-mentioned times.

This is a recipe for worldwide disaster, as Mars enters Scorpio at 0º on October 12th at 12:04am EDT.

Mars is the ruler of Aries, God of War, in the 8th Zodiac Sign of Scorpio, which rules Sex, Death, and Transformation (amongst other things.)

Many of you know that I predicted this “surprise” attack on Israel, on the last Full Moon of Aries. Events will now begin to escalate, to be sure.

There is no doubt in my mind, that nuclear weapons will be used, in the near future.

Remember, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the American Revolution. The world is in a very sorry state, and I’m afraid that things can no longer go on, as they have been. Action must take place. Growth is never easy, nor is it pleasurable, during such a time.

Other negative aspects include: Venus in Virgo at 0º, which is in opposition of Saturn Retrograde at 0º as well. Neptune is also retrograde, which does nothing to help the situation.

One thing is for certain, the world and its ways have come to hard stop. It is up to us, how we decide to proceed.

The attack on Israel happened on the Feast Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (October 6th). And with the anniversary of John Lennon’s Birthday, which happened today, I can assure you many saints and beloved icons (who have passed away), are grieving for us all.

What will it take to wake the world from this madness?

This negative situation will no doubt cause more trouble for Ukraine. There is sure to be a cessation of aid to their cause, as we will all now need our artillery and resources for the safety of the United States of America.

What a sorry state of affairs. There is no good side in these conflicts. Everyone is guilty of their own atrocities. We must find a way back to sanity, to some semblance of harmony. But, I honestly cannot give any advice, other than to be patient, be kind, and take care of your loved ones.

For those interested in projecting their magickal healing consciousness onto the world situation, call upon the Archangels, in particular, Raphäel, that he may pour his healing waters upon the hearts of the peoples of the Earth.

May you be guided by your angels toward safety and security, during these darkest of times. Blessings, ~V~


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Posted in Angels, Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Healing, History, Politics, Predictions, Psychic Events, Retrogrades, Television | No Comments »


Historic Super Full Moon in Pisces 7º – 8/30/23

August 30th, 2023 by Voxx

Feature images aug 23 - Understanding The Impact Of Full Moon in Pisces 2023 On Your Zodiac Sign!Greetings Everyone,

August will end with an uncommon ‘super blue moon,’ the last until 2037.

Pisces is the sign of the 12th House, ruling Karma, Self-Undoing, Hospitals, Addiction, Illness, Spirituality and Past Lives. Under the planetary rulership of Neptune (anciently, Jupiter,) it is the guardian sign of the feet, and the ability to walk.

So at this intense lunation, please take care to pay attention to your mental state, and your spiritual development. With Neptune retrograde, accidents and problems with the feet can occur; Including old problems with insecurity and various addictions. This is compounded by Mercury retrograde, in the sign of Virgo, in opposition to Neptune and Saturn, both also retrograde in Pisces at this time.

For many of us, this final full moon of the 12 signs, is a final wake-up call to take care of your inner life, as well as your mundane life. The changes can be hard, but they are definitely necessary.

For people born under the sun (or rising) signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, you will finally realize what needs to be done, and will hopefully, move forward with courage. The incredible insight gained by this special Full Moon, will help guide you.

May you all live peacefully, protectively and prosperously in the upcoming Zodiacal month. Focus on the miracle of logic. Blessings, ~V~


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Full Moon in Sagittarius at 18º – Manifestation

June 3rd, 2023 by Voxx

308B9CDB-5AD3-4C00-B925-701A93C7248AGreetings Everyone,

The Full Moon occurs tonight, on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, at 11:42 PM EDT, 8:42 PM PDT. It will be the Strawberry Moon, and will be full at 18º, in the sign of Sagittarius.

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun in Gemini forms an opposition to the Moon in Sagittarius. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.

We become more fully aware of what has been lacking or missing in our lives, particularly related to learning, adventure, spirited living, communicating, sharing, and commuting.

Sagittarius is the sign of Higher Learning, Philosophy, Higher Communication, Travel and Publishing. It is a very adventurous sign. Look how AI is transforming media to see the future. In fact, we are receiving the first live transmission from Mars today! Ground-breaking to say the least!

Time for travel, excitement, and a whole new phase of your life. I’m not exaggerating!

Items you can bless under this Full Sagittarius Moon: White, Blue, Violet, Sapphire, Blue Topaz, or Clear Crystals, Silver, Tin, Titanium or Platinum jewelry, and of course, your Lunar talismans. Paper talismans, charged correctly, are just as powerful as those made in metal. Magick is about intent!

Each New and Full Moon of the month, I publish private rituals for my Patreon supporters. Join my Patreon, by clicking the below link, for unique, magickal offerings.

May you all live peacefully, protectively and prosperously in the upcoming Zodiacal month. Focus on the possibility of the miraculous. Blessings, ~V~


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Moon Magick, Nature, Psychic Events, Wicca | No Comments »


Blue Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29º – Historical Event

April 19th, 2023 by Voxx

308B9CDB-5AD3-4C00-B925-701A93C7248ATonight is another historic astrological event: A Blue Solar Eclipse in Aries! This means its the second New Moon in the same month.

This hasn’t happened since May 2013, so look back into your memory bank, and see just what was going on in your life at that time, and you may get a preview.

Since there are several planets in Aries, at this time, they will be in opposition (or squaring) of any planets you may have in Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, and therefore, really throw a wrench into your personal and business relationships.

Also, these Aries planets can have people getting into senseless rages, arguments, the like, so watch your words.

I personally won’t be surprised if the elements of war escalate at this time. You know what you’re in for, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

While other Astrologers are out there having people do Moon Rituals under Eclipses… do not fall for such nonsense! Just stay home, and off the phone. No need to court complications.

The Eclipse energies are about cutting, and in the sign of Aries, that’s just what will happen. Also Mars, the ruler of Aries, rules guns, blades and all sharp items, including objects made of metal, in particular steel –– the metal from which swords and cars are made. So don’t be surprised at the wild stories you are about to read in the headlines. Clearly, I’m not your mother’s gentle psychic.

To make things more interesting, Pluto in Aquarius, is still close enough in aspect to 29º Capricorn to create a cardinal “T-Square.” Again, not fun.

Aries, is also the sign of the lofty Ram, which scales the heights of mountains, so be ready to hear of volcanoes exploding and earthquakes (the formation of mountains.)

Other strong possibilities of events include, fires and explosions. As Aries also rules the Head, and Face, this is a bad time for plastic surgery, as it could easily go wrong.

I am a Psychic Astrologer to the extreme — a member of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), and the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). I am a trained, professional Astrologer, as well as a well-known Trance Medium Psychic, and Tarot Grand Master… I use every method in the book, to calculate my statements. I feel it’s important to warn people of what’s getting ready to go down.

Blessings, ~V~


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, History, Moon Magick, Natural Disasters, Nature, News, Predictions | No Comments »


Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn in Pisces: Earth Changes!

March 6th, 2023 by Voxx

582A779A-96A6-4CE7-8700-7C600A522043We are in for another challenging Astrological time, as Saturn moves into Pisces, less than 24 hours, after the Full Moon in Virgo. Another installment of my “Dis-Astrology”… for these trying times!

Well, remember, I tried to warn you what would happen when Jupiter moved into Aries, on December 20th, 2022. The disastrous earthquakes in Turkey happened soon after.

This Full Worm Moon in Virgo, will happen just before Saturn, Lord of Karma, moves into Pisces. My perception has Virgo ruling ideas regarding the internet, and data. And with Saturn at the 29º of Aquarius (electronics), don’t be shocked at any other cyber scandals, including hacks of health centers and hospitals.

Other strong possibilities of events include, underwater earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding. As Virgo also rules schools, you can pretty much count on more school shootings and problems with our school system. More changes are afoot soon, as Pluto enters Aquarius. So, tune in for more info.

I am a Psychic Astrologer to the extreme — a member of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), and the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). I am a trained, professional Astrologer, as well as a well-known Trance Medium Psychic, and Tarot Grand Master… I use every method in the book, to calculate my statements. I feel it’s important to warn people of what’s getting ready to go down.

Blessings, ~V~


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Moon Magick, Natural Disasters, Nature, News | No Comments »

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