Summer Solstice 2022

June 21st, 2022 by Voxx

F9B6FDF3-EC14-473B-8D63-CC457D13477DToday is the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day of the entire year. It is one of the four major Sabbaths of the pagan religion, signifying the triumph of the Lord of the Sun, bringer of life and light!

This marks the middle part of the year, and also when the Sun enters the 4th Zodiacal House of the sign of Cancer — the Moonchild. People will be more sensitive than usual. Matters of the Home, and Children will be center stage. Also, the USA was founded during the time of Cancer, which accounts for the love of cars, food and sexy times — all the big 3 in American Culture.

On this sacred day, pay homage to the Sun by creating a solar feast. Items you may use are any yellow, gold, white or red flowers; Frankincense; Yellow, gold and white decorations, or symbols of the shining Sun. Any foods or breads containing Cinnamon, Apple, or Citrus are great flavors of the Sun — including Cardamom and Ginger.

Enjoy the day, and give thanks for the star that makes possible all life on our planet! Blessings to all, ~V~


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Le Comte de Lautréamont: In Memoriam

April 4th, 2022 by Voxx

In Memoriam: The Father of Surrealism.

Today, I’m celebrating the birth of my favorite poet, Isidore Lucien Ducasse, more famously known as, Le Comte de Lautréamont. During his life, he completed writing only one complete book, but oh what a book it was!

Entitled “Les Chants de Maldoror”, (The Song of Maldoror) is one of the most mind-boggling, verbal hallucination ever written. If you have never read “Maldoror” (as it is often referred to), I suggest buying a copy today, in his honor. (Just scroll down this page, and you’ll see a link to buy the book from “My Book Club” on the right-side column).

For lovers of great surrealist poetry, take a minute to read a sample of this great artist’s work.

You can also read my special page, dedicated to Le Comte de Lautréamont, complete with an assortment of valuable links.

Let me know your thoughts upon reading this truly important, and startlingly original poet’s work. I’m sure that once you read his story, (and his poetry), you will reserve a special place in your library for the late, great Isidore. ~V~


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Celebrities, General, History, Literature, Magick, Memento Mori, Mythology, News, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Poetry, Poetry, Reincarnation, Royalty, Saints | No Comments »


New Moon in Aries 11º – April 1st, 2022

March 31st, 2022 by Voxx


The New Moon comes in firmly during the 2nd Decanate of Aries, at 11:24pm PDT, and 2:24am EDT. This is a time of action, and movement toward our desires.

As the late, great Jim Morrison once said, “… the time to hesitate is through, no time to wallow in the mire. Try now, we can only lose, and our love become a funeral pyre.”

We can see how the people of Ukraine are rising up, and protecting themselves, and their ways of life. It’s time for us all to follow their example; Even if the only person you are fighting against is your own self, and procrastination! Let’s get a move-on. Time is wasting.

Aries is ruled by the planet, Mars — the Warrior God of Ancient Rome (the same as Ares in the Greek Pantheon.) It’s time to get in shape, work out, eat right, get stronger. Fall in love — even if it’s “only” with your SELF. You have to start somewhere! You have three (3) more months until Summer is here, so get yourself back on track. You can do it. You have to. Nobody else is going to do it for you!

What the New Moon Means for Fire Signs: You will literally be “on-fire” now… you will be getting positive reinforcement from the Sun in the means of Trines. So it’s time to get started on your big project.

What the New Moon Means for Earth Signs: You may get a bit nervous when people start telling you to “hurry up,” but you really need to. Time to shake your life up a bit and move forward. You will regret it later, if you procrastinate about a big project now.

What the New Moon Means for Air Signs: You will feel like a great weight has fallen from your shoulders, and it has. The Pisces times are over for awhile, and it’s time to “put on your Sailin’ Shoes!” Adventure awaits. Don’t ask for permission to be a genius right now.

What the New Moon Means for Water Signs: Let’s see what new excuse you have to procrastinate now — there are none! Forget about the Pandemic. You didn’t die. You never even left the house, so stop lying to yourself. It’s time to get out into Nature, and get back to walking. Even if it’s only at a shopping mall. Forget the past, it’s time to create new memories. Life is getting better, please believe it.

A change of seasons is really about understanding how the new planetary alignments are going to affect you. It’s a great time to get an Astrology, Tarot, Numerology and Psychic “check-up.” It’s also a great time to take some of my classes, and learn how to enhance your own intuition, and magickal skills. Write or call me soon. Blessings, ~Voxx


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you’ll receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks — so join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

Posted in Astrology, General, Magick, Moon Magick, Mythology, Pagan News | No Comments »


2-22-2022 – A Magickal Day

February 22nd, 2022 by Voxx

This is the first day of the Pluto Return of the United States of America. ~V~

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Black Magick, Earth Changes, General, History, Magick, Natural Disasters, Pagan News, Politics, Predictions, Psychic Events, Psychic Powers, Reviews, Weird News | No Comments »


Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 12º

December 3rd, 2021 by Voxx

3946D178-DD66-4B0A-88D0-0F2522B97A3BThe New Moon will also be a Total Solar Eclipse, happening in the sign of Sagittarius at 12º. Solar Eclipses have always been associated with the idea of Magick, and a time of great change.

The Sun, as life-giver of all on our planet, at this time is covered over by the Moon, starting a new Lunar Cycle.

In the 9th Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, we will be challenged to overcome our fears of all that is foreign, strange, or unfamiliar to ourselves.

The 9th House of the Zodiac, which is ruled by Sagittarius, is all about higher states of consciousness, religion, philosophy and long-distance travel — not only in physics terms, but in psychological, and spiritual terms as well.

With that in mind, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is primarily concerned with the process of Transformation, and in particular, Alchemy.

At this time, it will serve us well to open our eyes to appreciating all that is different from ourselves. Welcoming the change that is coming, before being overwhelmed by the process.

Jupiter/Zeus, has always been depicted as having union with diverse goddesses and gods, not to impart the idea of unfaithfulness, but to suggest the idea of inclusiveness! Zeus literally loves everybody. He wants to experience life from ever angle. Unfortunately, this is harder for other beings to accept.

While the Sun is eclipsed by the adventurous Moon, don’t be surprised at the sudden urge to move on… let go. See where life takes you. You might be happily satisfied by the new direction your life will be taking.

Sabian Symbol for 12º Sagittarius:
The symbol for this degree, is a coiled serpent, above which is a grinning skull. This degree denotes one of a vicious temperament who is liable to be obsessed and used by the dark forces. A strong and beneficent power over him may transmute his nature and aid him to overcome ill fate, but evil is more likely to attend him and make him her victim. It is a symbol of Overthrowing.

Click this link to read some interesting information on various Solar Eclipse Legends

Click this link to watch the Solar Eclipse via Live Stream


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Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Moon Magick, Pagan News, Psychic Events, Superstition, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »

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