Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: Into the Maelstrom

January 27th, 2009 by Voxx

SolarEclipseThe New Moon in Aquarius created a Solar Eclipse on Sunday, January 25th, 2009 at 11:59 pm (PST). The eclipse occurred at 6º Aquarius, a quite favorable degree, sub-ruled by Neptune. It’s a good thing the degree itself is so positive, as having a Solar Eclipse happen so close to President Obama’s inauguration has made me a bit nervous.

I’ve always found that solar eclipses really do tend to portend serious challenges, in whichever astrological house they occur (and even as I write this, I just heard that a volcano in Alaska has just become active again!)

New Moon Info: The chart of the New Moon in Aquarius occurred when the Ascendant was at 0º Scorpio, promising that the ensuing Solar Eclipse will have very intense ramifications for those with Scorpio rising — that means President Obama, amongst others.

As the great astrologers of old have stated, that “the stars cast their shadows” before major events. Some of the craziness that has been grabbing the headlines as of late, consist of senseless slayings, such as the gang kids in Miami who were gunned down by an AK-47; as well as a relative replay where a young Asian student from Virginia Tech brutally killed a female student with a knife. No doubt, we’ll continue to hear startling stories such as this for the next six months.

About Aquarius: Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which makes it a highly-volatile sign — for good or bad. Sudden outbursts of rage and joy alternate, making for quite a wild ride.

Ordinarily, a Solar Eclipse by itself is intense enough, but right now the astrological energies are really unstable — what with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, and Saturn retrograde in Virgo making unsettling aspects to Uranus in Pisces, it’s no wonder that everyone seems to be whirling down into a maelstrom of madness.

If you want to find out how this most recent Solar Eclipse is going to affect you, it might be time to call me to get a Psychic Reading to prepare yourself for the uncertain times ahead.

Mini-Healing Ritual: In the meantime, light a pale blue candle, and take a Lavendar bath and find some time to meditate on balancing your emotions. It’s going to be one of those days — for the next 365 days in a row.

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Magick, Nature, News, Pagan News, Politics, Superstition, Weird News | 3 Comments »


Obama’s Oath Snafu: Mercury Retrograde

January 22nd, 2009 by Voxx

sword 08
With President Obama’s Inauguration already behind us, there are a few things that no doubt have started gnawing on our memories, such as; What in tarnation was up with Aretha Franklin’s rendition of America the Beautiful? Why was Herbie Hancock playing in the wrong key on One Love? And of course, what in the world was Chief John Roberts thinking when he screwed up Obama’s Inauguration Oath of Office? Hmmm? Anybody?

I, for one, blame good ole’ Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, considered to be the Higher Octave of Mercury, Lord of Communication (amongst other things).

Well, what can you do? After listening to Obama’s golden-tongued speeches for a couple of years now, I was really annoyed to have the wonder of his normally flawless oratorio smudged by the senseless flubs fed to him by Chief John Roberts.

Psychic Flash: As I was preparing dinner (a wonderful raw, vegan salad), I suddenly flashed on the idea of Obama re-taking the Inauguration Oath, which I thought was pretty crazy. Imagine my surprise when I saw that Obama had INDEED re-taken the Oath in private, at the White House!

I’m sure there are those of my readers who wonder how I can possibly continue to be amazed when I get Psychic Flashes like this, but I do. I hope I never lose the capacity to get a thrill when my Psychic ability proves to be correct, yet once again.

Anyway, now that I’m fast becoming known as The Presidential Psychic, I’ll be regularly posting more interesting Psychic Flashes regarding Obama, as they come to me.

For those interested, please Follow Voxx on Twitter, for frequent updates.

Also, for those of you who are not familiar with the Astrological phenomena known as Mercury Retrograde, please join my Magickal Forum and visit the link explaining all about Mercury Retrograde.


Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, General, News, Politics, Predictions, Psychic Powers, Rituals, Television, Weird News | No Comments »


Total Solar Eclipse 2008: Dragon-Eating Moon

August 1st, 2008 by Voxx

Don’t forget to watch the Solar Eclipse via the internet at 3:21 am (PDT).  (Click the NASA link at the bottom of this post to watch the eclipse via live-streaming). The New Moon will be in Leo at 9 Degrees (the exact degree of the Sun, which is what causes an eclipse in the first place).

This eclipse concerns me greatly, as it occurs within one degree of some very inauspicious Fixed Stars.  According to ancient star lore, here is a bit of info:

South Asellus:  8° Leo 35 – Asellus is considered unfortunate, and it’s energy is related to both the Sun and Mars.  In particular, this star concerns military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, unwillingness to cooperate

Giansar:  10° Leo 20 – Although Giansar is considered a “neutral” energy, it’s connection to Saturn and Mars, causes additional concern, as it shows danger of robbery and accidental poisoning.

This particular eclipse threatens to dethrone, maim and kill emperors, rulers and those who are in high authoritative positions.  Not only that, but the influence of eclipses is generally felt for up to 6 months afterward!  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

For anyone with any planets at 6 to 12 degrees Leo, there is no doubt that major changes are underway.  Time to get it together — it’s going to be a bumpy ride alright!

UPDATE:  I was up until sunrise, performing a New Moon in Leo ritual, using my Scrying Mirror to catch the the Moon’s magnificence.  I’ll be posting some pix soon.  Seriously, I haven’t felt this much energy from an eclipse since 1991.  The view was exhilarating, even if it was only caught on my television.  Now, we have 4 planets in the sign of Leo, which promises this to be a very historical time, that will no doubt begin immediately.

Other Solar Eclipse Links:

UPDATE Siberian Eclipse Video — Amazing!

NASA Live Stream of the Eclipse!

Solar Eclipse 2008

The Solar Eclipse and What to Expect

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, Magick, Nature, Pagan News, Weird News, Wicca, Witchcraft | 2 Comments »


Isidore Lucien Ducasse: Memento Mori Maldoror

November 25th, 2007 by Voxx

maldororthegreat.gifI observe the 24th day of November as a personal day of remembrance in honor of Isidore Lucien Ducasse. He was a great poet of the 1800’s, considered by the artist/poet, Andre Breton to be the true father of Surrealism.

On this day, in the year 1870, Isidore died at the age of 24, under the usual Mysterious Circumstances, almost a necessary element of any true poet’s legend.

Do yourself a favor and go quietly insane after reading 3 sentences from any chapter of Ducasse’s masterpiece, “Les Chants de Maldoror” (“The Songs of Maldoror”).  It’s one of the few books I offer directly through my site, so you can click on the previous link, or scroll down the right-side of this page, and click to get your own copy.  I’ve had mine for many years.

Maldoror was written under Ducasse’s nomme de guerre, “Le Comte de Lautreamont”.

Read more about my friend Isidore by visiting the following links. Unjoy.

Isidore Lucien Ducasse (Le Comte de Lautreamont) Links:

Ducasse on Wikipedia

Maldoror Memorial Page

Maldoror on MySpace

Buy “Maldoror” on Amazon Here!

More Maldoror Links …

Posted in Black Magick, Memento Mori, Saints, Weird News | 1 Comment »


Sir John Dee: An Enochian Birthday

July 13th, 2007 by Voxx

johndee.gifToday is the anniversary of the 480th Birthday of the well-known, original Enochian Magician, Sir John Dee (the original Agent 007).

Sir John Dee was born on July 13th, 1527 and died in 1609. He was primarily known during his life as an expert mathematician and geographer; however, he was also a scholar of the Occult, and an alchemist as well as the Court Astrologer to no less than Queen Elizabeth I.

The Virgin Queen most likely owes a great deal to Dee for helping her make important decisions that ultimately cemented her unique place in history as the greatest, most powerful queen since the Egyptian Hatshepsut.

To modern occultists, Dee’s primary legacy is his system of Enochian Magick, which he transcribed by using a Trance Medium (Edward Kelley) as a communicator between man and the Angels.

Here are a few links for those of you who might enjoy reading more about this scholar of the divine.

As Dee might have said himself, “Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi!” Happy birthday Sir!

Sir John Dee

Liber Chanokh (Crowley’s Treatise on Enochian Magick)

Voxx Tribute Page to Sir John Dee

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Black Magick, Enochian Magick, Magick, Memento Mori, Pagan News, Saints, Thelema, Weird News | 6 Comments »

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