Voxx Books: The Lemegenomicon

November 13th, 2023 by Voxx

To order, text 1/323/782/0222
(Enable Caller ID)

The Lemegenomicon

Price: $55.00 USD

Payment Options:
(Text for links to pay)
Venmo and Zelle;
International: PayPal.

Voxx’s most popular book is,“The Lemegenomicon, (A Göetia Magickal Practicum)” simply the most comprehensive book on the subject of Göetia spirit evocation. This incredible book contains important diagrams for evoking the 72 spirits, and the 4 Kings. Every detail is covered, including a never-before published calendar of specific Astrological dates and times, for performing a successful conjuration, of Angels and Spirits.

(Currently only available in PDF form.)

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Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #6: Neophyte IV: Göetia Magick Tarot™)

Magickal Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the “100 Top Psychics in America,” (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, in both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Write for a Class Syllabus of any class at: voxx418 @yahoo.com (reference which class on the subject line.)

Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.

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Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you will receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks. So join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

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Astrology: Electional/Timing

October 20th, 2023 by Voxx


Schedule a session and plan your best future.

Call 323/782/0222 for Info
(Caller ID Enable)

Voxx, is one of the world’s leading Astrologers, as featured in the best-selling book, 100 Top Psychics and Astrologers in America, both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Electional Astrology: For Cosmetic Surgery – Text for price list and Testimonials!

*[Note: This type of Astrology is excellent for choosing important dates, such as Cosmetic or other types of Elective Surgery. Voxx is one of the world’s experts in the field.]

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Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #4)

Astrology Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the 100 Top Psychics in America (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, (both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Write for the Astro Class Syllabus at: voxx418 @yahoo.com (reference Astro Class on the subject line.)

Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.

No books are necessary; However, book suggestions will be given. All classes and information will be sent to students as PDFs.

Additional Benefits: Student’s personal Astrology Charts and Reports will be examined, and explained in the most positive and informed way, insuring each student enjoys the most enjoyable and inspirational experience possible.

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Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you will receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks. So join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

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72 Angels of the Shemhamphorash

July 3rd, 2021 by Voxx


72 Angels of the Shemhamphorash

Call: 323/782/0222 (Text First; Enable Caller ID).

Office Hours: 12:00pm PST – 12:00am PST

Or Email: Write to voxx418 @yahoo.com;
(cc to voxxthepsychic@ gmail.com)
Send your name, email and contact phone number;
Write “Appointment/Angels” on Subject Line.


Voxx is the one of the world’s foremost experts on the Occult, Angels, and Paranormal Phenomena. She has an MA in Theology from Exeter University, and has been studying Astrology, Theology, various occult arts since childhood. Voxx has a particular knowledge and experience with the 72 Angels of the Shehamphorash, and has used her experience to help teach and heal those afflicted by negative spiritual manifestations, and/or blessed with positive angelic visitiations.

Voxx has been widely featured on radio, television and film regarding her experiences with angelic and paranormal activity. Testimonials are available upon request.

If you, or a loved one has a need to explore the world of Angels, feel free to write and find out how Voxx may be of help to you.


Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #4)

Angel Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the “100 Top Psychics and Astrologers in America (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, (both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Write for the Angel Magick Class Syllabus at: voxx(at)voxx.org (reference “Angel Magick  Classes on the subject line.)

You may also text: 323/782/0222 (Enable Caller ID)

Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.

No books are necessary; However, book suggestions will be given. All classes and information will be sent to students as PDFs.

Additional Benefits: Specific Astrological, and Numerological Charts and Reports will be examined, and explained in the most positive and informed way, insuring each student enjoys the most enjoyable and inspirational experience possible

* * * * * * * * * * *


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you will receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks. So join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

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July 3rd, 2021 by Voxx


Paranormal Phenomena

Call: 323-782-0222 (Text First; Enable Caller ID).

Office Hours: 12:00pm PST – 12:00am PST

Or Email: Write to voxx418@yahoo. com;
(cc to voxxthepsychic@ gmail.com)
Send your name, email and contact phone number;
Write “Appointment/Phenomena” on Subject Line.


Voxx is the one of the world’s foremost experts on the Occult, Demonology, and Paranormal Phenomena. She has an MA in Theology from Exeter University, and has been studying Astrology, Theology, various occult arts since childhood. Voxx has a particular knowledge and experience with the 72 Spirits of Solomon the King, and has used her experience to help teach and heal those afflicted by negative spiritual manifestations.

Voxx has been widely featured on radio, television and film regarding her experiences with demonic paranormal activity. Testimonials are available upon request.

If you, or a loved one has had any negative experiences with entities and demonic presences, feel free to write and find out how Voxx may be of help to you.


Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #4)

Paranormal Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the “100 Top Psychics and Astrologers in America” (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, (both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Write for the Paranormal Magick Class Syllabus at: voxx418@yahoo. com (reference “Paranormal Classes”on the subject line.)

You may also text: 323/782/0222 (Enable Caller ID)

Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.

No books are necessary; However, book suggestions will be given. All classes and information will be sent to students as PDFs.

Additional Benefits: Specific Astrological, Numerological and Building Charts; Reports will be examined, and explained in the most positive and informed way, insuring each student enjoys the most enjoyable and inspirational experience possible.


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you will receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks. So join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

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Goetia Spirits

July 3rd, 2021 by Voxx


Goetia Spirits

Call: 323/782/0222 (Text First; Enable Caller ID).

Office Hours: 12:00pm PST – 12:00am PST

Or Email: Write to goetiamagick@yahoo. com
Send your name, email and contact phone number;
Write “Appointment” on Subject Line.


Voxx, along with her colleague, Frater S.U.M. are two of the world’s leading Occult scholars regarding the Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Together, they operate Goetiamagick. com, where they share their extensive knowledge and experience dealing with the 72 Spirits of Solomon the King.

For more information on their work, please visit: Goetiamagick. com. They also moderate the Goetiamagick Discord Server. If interested, you may write for an invitation.


Special Classes Available via the VoxxMagick Patreon
(Select Tier #4)

Goetia Magick Classes and Lectures: Learn a vast array of magickal arts from Voxx, one of the “100 Top Psychics in America (as featured in the best-selling book of the same name, (both 1994 and 2014 editions.)

Write for the Goetia Magick Class Syllabus at: voxx(at)voxx.org (reference “Goetia Magick Classes” on the subject line.)

You may also text: 323/782/0222 (Enable Caller ID)

Classes are available privately for individuals, or groups. Sessions are given by phone, or internet.

No books are necessary; However, book suggestions will be given. All classes and information will be sent to students as PDFs.

Additional Benefits: Student personal Goetia Magick Charts and Reports will be examined, and explained in the most positive and informed way, insuring each student enjoys the most enjoyable and inspirational experience possible

* * * * * * * * * * *


Take a minute to become a Voxx Magick Patron, you will receive lots of benefits, including Readings, Classes and Artworks. So join my Patreon, and support my writings and work.

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