- Happy Birthday: Martin Luther King!
- Martin Luther King’s Astrology Chart: Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius.
- Caller Number 1: Alex, Aries Question – Should he join his Capricorn friend’s band?
- Tips for Success: Fussy Capricorns; Kurt Cobain’s powerful, authentic style; Aries try too hard; Bad artists hustle while great artists don’t try hard enough.
- The Moon Phases: Waning Moon in Sagittarius (Balsamic); Difference between Waxing and Waning.
- Major Planetary Shifts In January: Mercury moves into Aquarius; Venus in Aquarius; Mars Trine Saturn; Mars/Pluto Conjunct in Sagittarius; Mars will enter Capricorn; Sun enters Aquarius conjuncting Venus.
- Jupiter in Sagittarius: Why Britney’s Losing Control.
- Preparing for Shifts: Mercury Retrograde, and up-coming Lunar/Solar Eclipses.
- Voxx Predictions: iPhone predictions at Mac World — Correct!
- Martin Luther King’s Astrology Chart: His life’s work and personal gifts; assassination shown in his chart; Mars in Gemini; Jupiter in Taurus; Saturn in Sagittarius, (shares martyrdom aspect with Lincoln & JFK); Uranus in Aries; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Cancer.
- Subject of the Day: Obsessions and how to recognize and rectify them using Astrology and Ritual Magick.
- Dangerous Astrological Placement of the Day: Scorpio at 19 Degrees, the “Charles Manson degree”.
- Your Obsessions: Your Planets and how they effect obsession.
- Caller Number 2, Wendy, Pisces: Question – When will she meet her husband?
- Tarot Reading for Wendy: 10 of Swords + Princess of Swords + The Tower (Wendy needs to change her tactics); 3 of Disks + 4 of Cups + 5 of Cups (Wendy’s confused by too many conflict Tarot readings); Learning how to predict your own future with Tarot; Mars in Taurus (the need for security); Mothers give the best free Psychic Readings; Avoiding Divorce Number 1; Soul Mates and the the Universe Card; Predicting Wendy’s future husband (9 of Wands + Magician + 6 of Swords); Scorpios are headaches (but they’re great for sex); Cinderella vs. Crisco.
- Psychics and Precision: Predicting Longitude and Latitude of earthquakes; Nostradamus and his Prophecies regarding George Bush 1 and 2.
- Obsessions: Using Astrology to recognize and conquer your obsessions; Obsessions of the 4 Elemental Signs: Air, Fire, Water and Earth; Magickal Rituals for fixing your obsession by Invoking Opposites.
- Memento Mori: Robert Anton Wilson, author of books on Illuminati conspiracies.
Voxx The Psychic Podcast: 01/15/07
January 16th, 2007 by Voxx
Posted in Podcast | 1 Comment »
Howie Schwartz
Astrology is the ancient practice and study of the stars and planets. Its history goes back to Babylonian times. Astrology is not the same as astronomy. Astronomy studies only the science of the planets, stars and universe.
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