Remember to tune in tonight, Monday night at 9:00 pm (PST) for: The Voxx Show!
I host a live, call-in Psychic internet radio show where I give free Psychic Readings, sharing lots of interesting info on a variety of subjects regarding Magick, and occasionally feature Special Guests.
Subjects I regularly talk about are Thelema, Witchcraft, Rituals, Goetia (Spirit Evocation), Angels, Astrology, Qabalah — you name it!
To Listen Live @ 9PM, Click Here!
Special Guests: If you’d like to be considered as a Special Guest on the show, let me know your background and what special topics you are experienced in.
Voxx Show Sponsorships: If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for this increasingly popular show, please contact me for more info.
Call me directly during the show and ask a question at: 323-284-5166
OR Skype me by my Username: voxxpodcast
If you miss the Live Broadcast, you can always check it out later on my, Archived Podcasts.
Until then, go ahead and register on the Voxx Magick Forum, and start posting, see you there!
Please tell your friends about the show!