Psychic Signals: Death of a Friend

May 21st, 2007 by Voxx

s_moon.jpgSometimes people ask me what it’s like to be Psychic, or how I first knew I possessed this ability. Rather than go into my whole history (which will be published in book form at some point), I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into how I pick up what I call “Psychic Signals”.

Psychic Intuition vs. Prophecy: First, it’s important to note (especially for the skeptics out there), that being Psychic rarely comes with the alleged “Nostradamian” delusions of impending doom that many have come to associate with Prophecy. I’ll leave my experiences with true Prophecy for another post.

Psychic Signals: To illustrate the most recent example of a Psychic Signal I received recently, I’ll share a story with you that happened to me recently.

Receiving a Psychic Signal: Preliminary Psychic Event – All of my Psychic Signals start with what I term a “Preliminary Psychic Event”; in this case, the PPE occurred on May 11th, 2007 when I went to listen to an in-store performance by Dntel (aka Jimmy Tamborelli, of the music group Postal Service).

As I hung out in the store, I wandered over to the Experimental Music section checking out the John Zorn section. I then moved to a section and noticed the name of an artist I’d heard of before, but had never checked out, whose name was Derek Bailey. I looked through the collection of his CD’s and mentally noted him in my mind as someone worth checking out at some future time.

Secondary Psychic Event: On May 18th, 2007 (7 days later), I went to Border’s Books at Vine and Sunset and started reading a musical biography of an old friend (a famous experimental jazz guitarist) who was murdered. While reading the book, I discovered that my deceased friend had gotten married on May 18th — the day I was reading his biography. I took another mental note.

Random Psychic Elements: Sometimes, other seemingly unrelated influences come up that seem to act as an Emotional Intensifier (to what eventually becomes what I term, The Final Psychic Signal, or Psychic Culmination Event). In this case, the Emotional Intensifier it turned out to be music.

Specifically the artist whose music I’d been listening to, almost exclusively for the last two weeks, which turned out to be the late, great Elliot Smith. As some of you may know, Elliot died as a result of two stab wounds to the chest. (The circumstances of his death have never been completely solved, and neither was the death of my other deceased friend/guitarist.)

Psychic Sifting: This takes place when my subconscious mind starts creating what I call a “Psychic Sediment”. It seems that the two (seemingly separate) Psychic Events get mixed in with what I term, “Random Psychic Elements”. Then what happens, is I become aware that my mind continuously repeats certain thoughts, much like a tape loop, which I call “The Psychic Loop”. Here’s an example of the experience of the PL.

“Electronic music (Dintel gig) … Derek Bailey (experimental guitarist) … music … experimental music … musician … guitarist … Elliot Smith … death by stabbing … knives … blood … May 18th (murder of friend) … death … electronic music … Derek Bailey …” Hopefully, you see what I mean.

poolePsychic Signal (Final Culmination): Saturday, May 19th, 2007, I went to a coffee shop and picked up the Los Angeles Times newspaper. I happened to look down at the bottom of the page to see news that shocked me, but shouldn’t have.

For there, at the bottom of the page I read words which punched me in the face. I read the news that another old friend had died! That friend was Rod Poole, an English experimental guitarist, whom I hadn’t seen in several years. Here are the circumstances of his untimely death: He was stabbed with a knife — murdered in cold-blood. He was killed in front of his wife, on May 13th, 2007.

Five days later, (May 18th, 2007), I received what I term The Second Psychic Event), while reading about the murder of another old friend, who also happened to be an experimental music guitarist.

As I read the entire article devoted to Rod’s untimely passing, I came upon this section of the article, which read:

” … Poole was a highly unusual guitarist, equally drawn to the distorted sound bombs of Jimi Hendrix and the spontaneous microcosmic tracings of [get this …] Derek Bailey. [Greg Burk, Author, (LA Times)” [Read the rest of the article here, or at the LA Times.]

So there you have it. A tiny glimpse into the mind of a Psychic, and how I received intuitive information that carried a great deal of detail. It’s not like I just had a “bad feeling” that something was going to happen. Every detail of the impending death of my friend was contained in the Psychic Loop! Experimental music; guitarist; death; stabbing; murder — even the date of May 18th — it was all there in the Psychic Loop that had been playing in my head for up to two weeks. This is an example of a complete Psychic Reception of what became documented in a public newspaper in less than 24 hours, after receiving the Preliminary, Secondary and additional Random Psychic Events, plus the additional elements that created the Psychic Loop, which resulted in the Psychic Culmination Event — the prophecy made reality.

Preventing Tragedy Via Psychic Signals: Now all that remains is to wonder if I could have prevented the death of my friend. That is the part that baffles most critics of Psychic Phenomena. There are those of you who would like to ask me, “If you knew about your friend’s death, why didn’t you/couldn’t you prevent it?” Good question. The answer is simple. And only God knows it.

In time, maybe Psychics will learn to piece together the information we gain and be more able to prevent tragedies from occurring. Doctors know there are diseases — and sometimes even know the traits and signs of those most likely to afflicted with an illness — yet, still there seems to be no surefire way to predict and avoid death. At such moments, I just simply accept my Psychic ability and the emotions that sometimes attend it. I am humbled by the fact that the Universe deems to show me the interconnectedness of all beings, things and states, and I am thankful for that knowledge and spiritual experience.

After reading this post, I’m sure there are some of you who will start to recognize that you have been getting Psychic Signals for a long time, without realizing it.

Psychic Signals or Synchronicity: There are others of you who may decide to term these type of occurrences as “Synchronicity”. Call it what you will, Carl Jung was a Psychic who used the Tarot and Occult Symbology in his writings. I believe that Jung’s terming of Psychic phenomena as “synchronicity” was a way of protecting his professional standing in the more respected field of Psychology, which is understandable, considering the common attitudes of society regarding anything hinting of the Supernatural.

Condolences: In any case, an old friend — a respected young musical pioneer is gone from the earthly plane of existence. I hope you will all take the time to say a prayer for the soul of Rod Poole. Listen to his music. Learn from it. Enjoy it. It is his legacy to us all.

Posted in Memento Mori, Occult Psychology, Predictions | 3 Comments »


3 Responses

  1. 7/4

    Rod died on Sunday, May 13th.

  2. Voxx


    Thanks for the info — it’s much appreciated.


  3. Mikael Bergkvist

    My condolences for your friend.

    I have a question, if it’s not inappropiate – if so, then I appologize – I’m not a very good judge of these things.

    I recognize the synchronicity effect that you speak of, because in my case it has only built in strenght for years and years, bombarding me with more and more detailed info which always checks out with gruesome precision, that I most decidedly should not have, and my life has turned into a almost nightmarish fog because of it.
    It’s like an ongoing dialogue which never tires, but instead grows more and more ‘vocal’.
    Is there a way to dissolve this, and have things back to something resembling ‘normal’?

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