A lot of people have been clamoring over the fact that today is a “magickal day”. I agree merely for the fact that the date mirrors the title of one of my favorite books by Aleister Crowley — Liber 777. Other than that, today’s date only comes around once every new century, so yeah … I can agree on those points.
Chinese Astrology & 777: According to Chinese Astrology, the current Year of the Golden Pig is considered an especially fortuitous time to have children, just as 2006 (the Year of the Rooster) was considered a lucky time to get married.
Astrological Aspects for 7-7-07: Despite all the hoopla surrounding various celebrities (such as Eva Longoria) taking the marital plunge today, I sincerely believe today is NOT a good day to get married, nor take any major risks of any kind. Here are a few Astrological reasons that will explain why I feel this way.
Marrying During Mercury Retrograde: Trust me — don’t do it! There is not a celebrity marriage still around that was begun during this nasty aspect. Many marriages that took place during this aspect are long-gone. The only one that’s still managing to keep going is the marriage of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale (which I doubt will last in the long-run.)
In fact, even announcing your engagement is a bad idea during this aspect (hear that Nelly Furtado?) Anyway, it’s not my wish to disparage anyone’s happiness, far from it. I just wish people would pay more attention to the flow of celestial energies. It would make life so much better for everyone concerned.
Astrological Aspects of 7-7-07: Read the whole article of Astrological Aspects of 7-7-07, and their influences on today’s date, at the Voxx Magickal Forum: Astrology Section.
Numerological Aspects of 7-7-07: Read the whole article of Numerological Aspects of 7-7-07, and their influences on today’s date, at the Voxx Magickal Forum: Numerology Section.
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