- Astrology News: Mercury Goes Direct at 2 degrees Cancer!
- 7-7-07: Magickal Day or Hype?
- Mercury Retrograde Weddings: Voxx explores the future outcome of celebrity weddings during Mercury Retrograde; Eva Longoria and Tony Parker; Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban; Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale; Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
- Live Earth: The hypocrisy of hipster stars. Voxx rips Madonna and other popstars regarding the true cost of the major event.
- Rituals During Mercury Retrograde: A few reasons why to avoid serious ritual work during this negative aspect.
- Daily Planets: Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Leo, Uranus in Pisces, Neptune in Aquarius, Pluto in Sagittarius; Voxx discusses the negative effects of Moon Squaring Venus, Neptune and Saturn.
- Moon Phases and Marriage: Voxx cautions against marrying during a Waning Moon.
- Movie Magick: Review of “Ratatouille” and “Transformers”.
- New Moon in Cancer: What to expect during the upcoming New Moon lunation.
- Avril Lavigne Publishing Lawsuit: Voxx explores the possible guilt of the popstar in a Tarot reading.
- Special Guest Caller: Kevin (Frater Hierophantus, Taurus)
Question: Caller requested info regarding Tarot Spells using the Crowley Thoth Deck. - Voxx and Frater Hierophantus Tarot Discussion: Topics include an amazing plethora of subjects, such as:Invocation to the Angel of the Tarot, HRU;
Angels of the 78 cards;
Angels of the Decanates;
Liber 777;
Proper timing of Spellcasting and Magickal Rituals;
Goetia Spells with the Spirit Eligos;
Voxx’s new Goetia Ritual Calendar (contact Voxx to order);
Astrology and human talismans of luck;
Mental Magick and Manifestation;
Tattoos and Magick;
The Magickal Mantrams of Austin Osman Spare;
Chaos Magick sigil techniques;
Auditory Prophecy;
Charging sigils with Sex Magick;
Tarot Tattoos;
Genesis P-Orridge, TOPY and Psychic Television (PTV);
Timing the purchase of your Tarot Deck;
Magickal Names;
Blessing the Tarot Deck;
Arthur Edward Waite, Pamela Colman-Smith and the Rider-Waite Deck;
Marilyn Manson’s Tarot;
Proper care of your Tarot Deck;
Liber Reguli and the 5 of Disks;
Magickal Orders: The Golden Dawn and the O.T.O.
Scientology: The Aleister Crowley Connection;
Alejandor Jodorowsky, Brian Eno and the Tarot;
Medical Diagnosis with the Tarot;
On-line Tarot Readings.
The Voxx Show 7/9/07
July 15th, 2007 by Voxx
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