2012 Elections: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

November 6th, 2012 by Voxx

Greetings All,

Like the 2008 Presidential Election, the one occurring now, in 2012, is happening — yet again, with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! Last time, President Obama was sworn in during this tricky time period.

Not only that, but we have a devastating Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, occurring on November 13th, 2012 as well. With the intense power of Saturn in Scorpio, you can be assured that all hell is going to be breaking loose in the next few years — no matter who is elected (and I predict President Obama will be re-elected.)

Without going all “Illuminati” on your ass, I can safely say that should Mitt Romney be elected President, it will be due to another George W. Bush/Al Gore snafu. In other words, the election shows danger of being manipulated again.

The astrological good news for Obama is that on election day, there will be a Leo Moon, conjoining his Sun.

Here’s a look into my latest Thoth Tarot Divination regarding today’s election:

Barack Obama: 9 of Wands; The Tower; and the 4 of Wands.

Mitt Romney: The Star; The Low Magus; and the 5 of Wands.

This shows that Obama really has his work cut out for him, and it may appear to be a close election. The Star and Magus on Romney’s side, appear to show that the electronic machines may create errors, from which he will unfairly gain votes.

Make no mistake — should Romney win — the poor, women, children, schools, veterans, and small business owners of the United States can kiss their collective asses goodbye, as the 47% mysteriously disappear.

Remember the Mayans didn’t predict the dire consequences of this year for nothing! We need to protect ourselves from corporate vampires, and get to work for positive change. Let’s vote out the greedy, self-interested members of Senate and Congress who just block change for the common good!

God/dess bless America!

Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, General, Pagan News, Politics, Predictions, Tarot, Television | No Comments »


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