Today is December 12th, 2012, which many members of the metaphysical community consider to be a “portal”.
Although I am all in favor of any excuse to celebrate the Magick of this particular time period, I have to say, that as a professional Numerologist (amongst other things), I am perturbed by the inability of people to learn to COUNT.
Yes, I’m celebrating a unique date that only happens once ever 100 years, but it has NOTHING to do with “portals”. Remember the date is 2012, not just “12”, and the “2” continues to be left out of the count, which changes the numerical vibration significantly.
Today’s date actually equals “11”, which in itself is a Master Number in Numerology. Of course, there are myriad individuals who are making money by selling this foolishness to the masses, and with the job market as it is, I suppose some people have to make money any way they can. Still, I wish they would stop and learn to count before blathering on about the fabricated mystery of this date.
While I’m on the subject, you can see the “magickal result” in the case of various Hollywood stars getting married on other supposed “lucky” dates. Such as Eva Longoria, who decided to get married on “07/07/07”, thinking it was a numerically special day. Again, someone didn’t know how to count, because only 2 years later, she was already divorced! She forgot to add the “2” in 2012, which made the date equal a “23/5” number, a horrible number for celebrating a wedding!
All that being said, I hope nobody spent too much money channeling the aliens, thinking that it was 12/12/12, as it is actually 12/12/2012!
Also, remember that nobody REALLY knows the true date in our Cosmos, as Calendar dates (even those of the brilliant Mayans) are constructs of man and his limited understanding of Time itself. What the Mayans celebrated were actual planetary alignments (of which today’s are minimal at best, despite a couple of planets moving into new signs).
The only “real” portal that we will be experiencing soon, is tomorrow’s New Moon in Sagittarius, the final New Moon before the Winter Solstice of 2012.
For now, it would make me happy if all the readers of this post would simply learn to count, and stop fabricating/publicizing “portals” that only exist on paper, because of the mere juxtaposition of tripled numbers on a calendar.
Yes, there is magick in all of life, which I appreciate as a sentient being, but after seeing this gibberish all over the web, as a Numerologist I simply had to say something, once and for all.
I’ll be writing about the 12/21/2012 energies again soon, so keep posted. In the meantime, feel free to learn how to “count” using Western Numerology by taking a class!