Valentine’s Day: Mars in Aries at 29º

February 14th, 2019 by Voxx

Mars in Aries 29 DegreesYou may have been feeling the tension and anxiety building over the last week, and it’s almost over… except for those born under the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, in particular. This also applies to those with their Astrological Ascendants in either of these signs, as well. People born with the Sun in Leo and/or Aquarius rising will also feel the shift.

Valentine’s Day happens to occur today, and some of you will no doubt understand why The Valentine’s Day Massacre occurred on this date. After all, Mars rules guns, knives and explosions. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

The planet Mars is currently moving from the sign of Aries (which it rules), into the formidable sign of Taurus. As Mars moves from a Fire Sign into an Earth Sign, don’t be surprised at a rash of earthquakes, and accidents in the mountains. Also, air travel may be more dangerous than usual — as again, what goes up, must come down to Earth.

Tap on the image I made for this entry for a quick study in what to pay attention to. This powerful energy will be in strong effect for the next two weeks. So, make sure you keep some extra cash hanging around for emergencies. Also, pay attention to where you’re going, as Mars in Taurus will prove that you need to be extra cautious.

Take care of yourselves, and remember I’m always here for you. Just give me a call. It’s always a good time to schedule a Psychic and Astrological Reading with yours truly.

Blessings to all,

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Natural Disasters, Nature, News, Pagan News, Predictions, Weird News | No Comments »


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