Queen Mab on Midsummer’s Eve

June 23rd, 2017 by Voxx

Great Tidings to you all upon this wondrous Midsummer’s Eve … which, by now is Midsummer’s Day.

It’s the night when the Queen of the Faeries — Mab, opens the door of Magick, between our world and her own.

I have always lived a life full of visions, music and magick since childhood. I prayed to the Sun and Moon, and spoke to the ocean tides, in love with Nature. Magick was always real to me, and continues to be.

I learned of Queen Mab as a child, and have been paying homage to her for many years, receiving great blessings over time.

Mab loves flowers, candy, glass beads and all kinds of sweet treats and trinkets. There are traditions of offering her these items, including the burning of summer incense and blue and white candles in her honor.

At midnite on June 23rd, (tonite), I did my yearly ritual to Queen Mab, and wrote her quite a lengthy poem, which I could tell delighted her. (I will publish it soon.)

In Mab’s honor, and to tune into her mystical presence, I made a special Midsummer’s Eve Faery Queen Oil, a combination of Frankincense, Pine, Rosemary and other summery scents, careful to use a magickal number of drops for each. (Contact me for the recipe).

After consecrating my altar and all the items, I conjured forth the denizens of the Faery Realm; The Sylphs of the East, the Salamanders of the South, the Undines of the West, and the Gnomes of the North, offering them sweets and other delights.

I anointed my candles with the Faery oil, and poured out spring water into a silver bowl, filled with magickal stones. Of course, no offering to Mab would be complete without adding some delicate flowers, including a rose wreath. Then, I burned a scroll filled with written wishes inside my cauldron, and afterward scattered the ashes to the four winds.

As the incense wafted thru the warm nite air, I scryed into my magick mirror, placed within a silver bowl filled with the blessed spring water. What visions, I may not tell — but, all good Faery Scryers receive personal mystical messages

In my vision, Queen Mab rode toward me from an astral vortex, in her magnificent Faery carriage, (drawn by 4 white horses) and swooped up my offerings, laughing wildly — as she loves to do.

Queen Mab speaks to me clairaudiently with the most lovely voice, and tells me secrets regarding Nature. She always brings inspiration and joy.

Faery folk herald Mab’s arrival filling the air with music from other worlds, which is ethereal and haunting — unlike any other sound I’ve ever heard. They play their flower trumpets, singing her praises in their tiny, gleeful voices, as they lead her procession into our world.

Queen Mab, and her Faeries will celebrate with us for a day of joy and glee, enchanting us all with their presence, if we but take the time to listen. May you all hear the song. ~V~

(Art by Henry Meynell Rheam ©)

Posted in Dreams, Earth Changes, Faery_Magick, General, Holidays, Magick, Mythology, Nature, Pagan News, Psychic Powers, Rituals, Scrying, Superstition, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »


Earthquakes: Time to Prepare

January 6th, 2013 by Voxx

Greetings All,

As a Master Astrologer (amongst other things) there is no way I can avoid letting my readers know first-hand, that the major Planetary aspects today, really warn about a serious earthquake within the next 72 hours, most starting from beneath the sea. Here’s a list (All given in PST time):

1) Moon Trine Neptune (12:15 am)
2) Mercury Conjunct Pluto (8:41 am)
3) Moon Trine Chiron (8:46 am)
4) Moon Sextile Pluto (2:25 pm)
5) Moon Sextile Mercury (3:07 pm)
6) Moon Conjunct Saturn (3:11 pm) and finally…
7) Mercury Sextile Saturn (3:45 pm)

With all the aspects between the Moon (Water) and the intense dark planets of Pluto and Saturn, we’re in for a rough ride!

Unbelieveable! Also, with the Moon now in Scorpio, there’s no doubt going to be a lot of intense action, and many bizarre events which will transpire today. I’m not a pessimist, but I really do think we need to prepare for more than just bad weather.

Also, since our country’s symbol is the Eagle (the totem of Scorpio and water), I have no doubt that our country will be severely affected by whatever these aspects bring within the next 72 hours.

Break out the Saint Jude Candles!

The good news is that I’m now doing regular podcasts again on Youtube, and I’ll be posting the links later today. Keep in touch, and let me know how you all fare.


Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Nature, News, Pagan News, Predictions | No Comments »


Total Solar Eclipse of the Heart!

November 13th, 2012 by Voxx

Greetings All,

Forget December 21st, 2012 — that date was just a bluff! TODAY is the day the Mayans were predicting as “The End of the World”. Just because the Earth will still be spinning by midnight doesn’t mean today’s impact won’t be felt for many years to come. Here’s a little description of the Astrological “merde” that will be hitting “le fan” today!

Astrological Events for Tuesday, November 13th, 2012:

1) Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun at 21:57 Degrees Scorpio; (2:17 pm PST) The New Moon in Scorpio will eclipse the Sun at that exact degree.

2) Mercury Square Neptune at 00:24 Degrees (Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively); (4:02 pm PST)

3) Mercury (Retrograde) Enters Sagittarius at 00:00 Degrees; (11:42 pm PST)

Predictions Regarding Solar Eclipses: Without fail, you can expect the passing of a member of Royalty. One of the last Solar Eclipses in the sign of Leo resulted in the suicide of one of the son’s of the late (and former) Shah of Iran.

Predictions Regarding Mercury Square Neptune: This presages even MORE superstorms to come. Mercury is still retrograde as well, so all that wind and water will continue to wreak havoc worldwide.

Predictions Regarding Mercury Retrograde at 00:00 Degrees Sagittarius: The retrograde movement of Mercury hitting “zero” degrees will seriously intensify the mutable Square aspect.

When you realize that Mercury/Hermes (as “Psychopompous”, Guide of the Dead) is at a zero/portal degree with Pisces, (with its Lord Poseidon, ruler of the Ocean), it’s easy to understand how wind and water will join forces to change the shape of the coasts. Quite frankly, these aspects make my accurate Tsunami prediction look like child’s play. (See my posted prediction on the March 8th, 2011 entry).

I’ve been incredibly accurate about the dates of these predictions, as well as what to expect. The Mayans were using December 21st, 2012 as a convenient ploy to get us ready for the important, and unavoidable changes we need to prepare for.

It’s not the “end of the world”, per se — but, it is time to tear down the old world, and make way for the new. Don’t be afraid. Although we are still in the middle of the darkest hour, remember the Mayans worshipped the Morning Star, harbinger of the New Dawn. It’s almost here!

I will be posting more info regarding Mercury Retrograde at 29 Degrees Scorpio, which will happen two more times in the upcoming month!

Contact me for a Astrological/Psychic Reading today, to find out how today’s Astrological Aspects will affect your life in the months to come!


[Note: The accompanying picture above is an actual depiction of today’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!]

Check out the below links for more on today’s historic Solar Eclipse:

Solar Eclipse: Link 1

Solar Eclipse Link 2

Posted in Astrology, Earth Changes, General, Mythology, Nature, Pagan News, Predictions, Superstition | No Comments »


2012 Elections: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

November 6th, 2012 by Voxx

Greetings All,

Like the 2008 Presidential Election, the one occurring now, in 2012, is happening — yet again, with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! Last time, President Obama was sworn in during this tricky time period.

Not only that, but we have a devastating Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, occurring on November 13th, 2012 as well. With the intense power of Saturn in Scorpio, you can be assured that all hell is going to be breaking loose in the next few years — no matter who is elected (and I predict President Obama will be re-elected.)

Without going all “Illuminati” on your ass, I can safely say that should Mitt Romney be elected President, it will be due to another George W. Bush/Al Gore snafu. In other words, the election shows danger of being manipulated again.

The astrological good news for Obama is that on election day, there will be a Leo Moon, conjoining his Sun.

Here’s a look into my latest Thoth Tarot Divination regarding today’s election:

Barack Obama: 9 of Wands; The Tower; and the 4 of Wands.

Mitt Romney: The Star; The Low Magus; and the 5 of Wands.

This shows that Obama really has his work cut out for him, and it may appear to be a close election. The Star and Magus on Romney’s side, appear to show that the electronic machines may create errors, from which he will unfairly gain votes.

Make no mistake — should Romney win — the poor, women, children, schools, veterans, and small business owners of the United States can kiss their collective asses goodbye, as the 47% mysteriously disappear.

Remember the Mayans didn’t predict the dire consequences of this year for nothing! We need to protect ourselves from corporate vampires, and get to work for positive change. Let’s vote out the greedy, self-interested members of Senate and Congress who just block change for the common good!

God/dess bless America!

Posted in Astrology, Celebrities, General, Pagan News, Politics, Predictions, Tarot, Television | No Comments »


New Moon in Taurus: May 2010

May 14th, 2010 by Voxx

Surely you have felt the energy shifting within the last few hours, as the Black Moon moved toward its new phase in Taurus.

Ordinarily, a new moon brings an invigorating feeling; However, this particular moon is fraught with tension, as it creates the astrological aspect known as a Fixed T-Square. Those born with the Sun or Moon in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will feel the brunt of this aspect, a bit more intensely.

Also, pay attention to which house you may have any of these fixed signs, as you’ll no doubt feel the heat. It’s not “bad”, just “challenging”, as I always say.

To intensify matters, Jupiter and Uranus (in Pisces) are in opposition of Saturn, currently retrograde in Virgo. These 3 planets are creating a Mutable T-Square, with Venus in Gemini. No wonder the world and everyone in it feels like we’re on a rollercoaster.

Still, it’s a New Moon, so light a green or white candle, and meditate on what you’d like to achieve in this new lunar cycle. It’s a great time to plant things as well, as the Moon in Taurus is considered one of the most fruitful times to begin projects.

If you’d like to learn more about how the New Moon in Taurus will affect you, contact me for more info.

Posted in Astrology, General, Holidays, Nature, Pagan News, Tarot, Wicca | No Comments »




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