Happy Beltane 2007!

May 1st, 2007 by Voxx

greenman.gifToday is Beltane, one of the Witches’ Sabbaths which marks the last of the three Spring fertility festivals. It is the second Sabbath of the New Year, coming between the Vernal Equinox (Ostara), and the Summer Solstice (Mid-Summer). Beltane is equated with the arrival of Summer since ancient times.

The Sabbath of Beltane (also known as May Eve), is also known in Germany as Walpurgisnacht, (which translates as the “Night of Walpurgis”). In the lore of Witchcraft (before it was renamed “Wicca”), and was often depicted as the night when all the witches and their familiars rode their brooms through the sky.

Interestingly, Beltane happens today on the near-full Moon in Scorpio, which adds just the right amount of spiritual lunar energy to the holiday. Interesting how the Pagans chose the Astrological placement for this holiday, as the Moon in Scorpio relates to Sex, Death and Rebirth. Also, at the time of this holiday, the Sun is in sensual Taurus, which is ruled by Venus the planet ruling love and beauty.

Below are some helpful and interesting links for you to read about the history and practice of Beltane.

I will be celebrating tonight, and will meet all my magickal friends no doubt — out there on the Astral Plane.

fairymab.jpgRemember that Beltane is a magickal time wherein the veils between the worlds are lifted. Go outside tonight and see if you can see the Green Man, or the lovely Queen of the Fairies, Mab. Enjoy yourselves! Id’ love to hear any of your stories or magickal experiences you have tonight. Blessed Be!

Beltane Fire Society: Unbelievable pictures show how modern Wiccans and Pagans continue to celebrate this ancient holiday — truly amazing!

Myths Associated With Beltane: A great site containing lots of additional links regarding Wicca and Beltane.

A Witch’s View of Beltane: More on the traditions of Beltane written by a Wiccan practitioner.

Celtic Traditions of Beltane: An historical account of the Celtic origins of Beltane written by a male Wiccan.

Posted in Astrology, Holidays, Magick, Mythology, Pagan News, Rituals, Wicca, Witchcraft | 1 Comment »


Hymn to Gaia

April 22nd, 2007 by Voxx

In honor of the great Goddess, Gaia — I offer a poem in her honor.


From the depths of Chaos, born
Unexplained, your origin
Bringer of first Earthly morn
Offspring of what has never been

With a consort, Love — his name
A child to fill Eternity
Brought forth Uranus to tame
A cosmos emanating forth from Thee

Creatrix of the Universe
By celestial intercourse
Thus were Earth and Heaven made
From strange start, Foundation laid

Birthing Pontus, her own mate
Cleaving mountains, forests wild
in Lovers’ bliss, Uranian fate
gave life to scores of godly child

Uranus, stung by what he’d wrought
Decided to destroy the life
Of what Gaia’s love begot
He sought to wield Atropos’ knife

Gaia begged the Titans give
Their help that all her children live
Thus, she gave the sickle to
Young Cronos, his own father slew

When Cronos gained his father’s age
Just like his father, he too grew
To despise the young gods, rage
The curse of Uranus came true

Like his father, soon exiled
His sibling gods to Tartarus
In jealous rage, he slew his child
As prophesied by Uranus

Time and again, the father tries
To destroy Gaia’s gift
Casts down the child, who fearfully cries
The one divine love tries to lift

Oh, jealous gods and men beware
Of Gaia, have a care
To respect our earthly home
the only one we’ve ever known

And on this special day give praise
To Her upon whose face you gaze
For ’tis truth, these words I say
One day within her arms we’ll lay

(Voxx Voltair © 2007)

Posted in Earth Changes, Holidays, Mythology, Nature, News, Pagan News, Thelema, Wicca | No Comments »


Earth Day 2007

April 22nd, 2007 by Voxx

earth-planet.jpgHappy Birthday to the most beautiful Mother in the Universe. Literally!

Please take care of our Mother, Gaia! Let’s do what it takes to honor our home, our planet. There is no place like Earth anywhere else in the Universe.

Yes, there may be planets with water, with life, with an atmosphere — but it will never be like Earth. This is the place we were all born … where we’ve experienced, joy, laughter, childhood. Where we’ve gained experience as to what it means to be human.

So, even though there may be a myriad of other planetary places to exist, we will never experience being human, anywhere but here. Take a minute to say a prayer of thanks for all that you’ve been privileged to experience on our fair, majestic planet. Let’s do what we can to ensure that our beautiful planet will heal from all the injustices we’ve perpetrated against Her.

Whatever religion you are … even if you don’t believe in any particular faith, you certainly must admit that this is the best place to be. I’m sure even Richard Dawkins would agree with me on at least this point. Do what you can to make this world a more beautiful place. Io Gaia!

Posted in Earth Changes, Holidays, Mythology, Nature, News, Pagan News, Thelema, Wicca | No Comments »


Pluto Retrograde: Ordeal “X”

March 29th, 2007 by Voxx

TheGodPluto 1As your favorite Thelemic Astrologer and Psychic, I feel it’s important to explain the meaning (and intensity) of the upcoming planetary motion known as Pluto Retrograde, and how you may be deeply affected by it.

Pluto Goes Retrograde: Pluto will go Retrograde Saturday, March 31st, 2007 at 3:45 pm (PST), at 28:57 Degrees Sagittarius. It go Direct again on September 7, 2007 at 7:54 pm (PST) at 26:18 Degrees Sagittarius.

Personal Effects: How Pluto Retrograde will effect you will be based upon your personal Astrological profile, such as where Pluto and Sagittarius are placed in your Chart. If you’d like more detailed, personal info, you should order your Astro Chart to find out. Then, you can feel free to call my weekly Radio Show so we can discuss how you’ll be affected by this powerful transit. (If you already have your Astro Chart, then feel free to call me on my show, or post your questions in my Magickal Forum.)

About Pluto: Pluto is the ruling planet the Zodiac sign of Scorpio. As such, it presides over the 8th House and governs issues regarding Sex, Legacies, Death (physical, and/or spiritual), and the attendant Transformations that occur as a result.

Meaning of the Term “Retrograde”: When a planet is termed, “retrograde”, it means that it appears to be going backward in the constellations of the heavens, due to an optical illusion. This illusion is based upon the fact that planets further away from the Sun appear to be moving more slowly in their orbits, than those planets which are closer in proximity to the Sun. Therefore, such planets appear to be moving “backwards”.

Pluto Retrograde: Since Pluto rules the ideas of Death, Sex, Legacies, Taxes and Transformation, get ready for your life to change in a big way. Whether or not the change or transformation is pleasant or positive, is largely up to you and how ready you are to evolve as a spiritual being.

Yes, there is a physical aspect to the idea of “death”, wherever Pluto is involved, but just remember we are all just visiting the Earth plane, aren’t we?

Preparing For Pluto Retrograde: Imagine this astrological event as a large wave approaching you from the sea. Take a deep breath, and stay calm. Don’t allow yourself to fear what is inevitable. If you lose control, or try to resist the necessary changes, you will only make it harder on yourself. Remember — growing pains may hurt, but they also make you stronger. Time to read a little Nietzsche.

No matter how prepared you may feel, the changes you will now undergo may still seem rather sudden — but that’s just not true. The changes you experience during this aspect have been a long time coming if you’re really honest with yourself.

Anxiety and Separation Issues: Whomever, or whatever exits your life while Pluto is retrograde, has most likely been on the way out for up to two years (or more), whether or not you have recognized the fact. Think about it.

Out of Control: Okay, so you’re evolved, spiritual and well-balanced, possibly. You are a magickal being, living your True Will, and recognize your patterns and behavior. But, you may still have a hard time reigning yourself in and keeping it together when Pluto is retrograde. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but again, just sit back and try to go with the current.

Magickal Manifestation: Remember, that Pluto Retrograde is the ultimate test of what you have magickally invoked into your life (whether or not it was conscious or subconscious!)

Spiritual Evolution and The Book of the Law: The cosmic lessons of Pluto Retrograde are best exemplified (in my mind at least), by certain verses found in The Book of the Law (Liber Al vel Legis, Sub Figura CCXX, Chapter III), as channeled by Aleister Crowley by the Angel named Aiwass:

Liber Liber Al vel Legis, Chapter III, Verses 42-45:

“42. The ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind ones. Refuse none, but thou shalt know & destroy the traitors. I am Ra-Hoor-Khuit; and I am powerful to protect my servant. Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not over much! Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter; & destroy them utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike! Be thou yet deadlier than he! Drag down their souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear: spit upon them!

43. Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.

44. But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men!

45. Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power: then will I breed from her a child mightier than all the kings of the earth. I will fill her with joy: with my force shall she see & strike at the worship of Nu: she shall achieve Hadit.”

Don’t be afraid to let go — Nature will fill the void, so don’t attempt to hang onto people, places, habits, objects or situations that are “dead”. You may still be attached to certain things, but Pluto Retrograde says, “It’s time to grow up now.”

The Reward of Evolution: If you get through this aspect with a good attitude, you’re liable to find out that the worst thing was that you might wished you had simply changed sooner! You’ll most likely enjoy what the future has in store for you!

Spiritual Discipline:
Dedicate yourself to remaining open at this time. If you’re a Christian, develop Faith — if you’re a Thelemite or Pagan, develop Faith in the God of Your Self. It’s time to claim your power!

Success Is Thy Proof: Don’t be afraid — you can make it through that “Ordeal X”, as Aiwass referred to such tribulations. When all is said and done, remember — “Success is thy proof.” Now get out there and kick some spiritual ass … your own!

Posted in Astrology, Magick, Mythology, Pagan News, Thelema, Wicca | 2 Comments »


The Voxx Show: Free Psychic Readings at 9PM (PST)

March 20th, 2007 by Voxx

Remember to tune in tonight, Monday night at 9:00 pm (PST) for: The Voxx Show!

I host a live, call-in Psychic internet radio show where I give free Psychic Readings, sharing lots of interesting info on a variety of subjects regarding Magick, and occasionally feature Special Guests.

Subjects I regularly talk about are Thelema, Witchcraft, Rituals, Goetia (Spirit Evocation), Angels, Astrology, Qabalah — you name it!

To Listen Live @ 9PM, Click Here!

Special Guests: If you’d like to be considered as a Special Guest on the show, let me know your background and what special topics you are experienced in.

Voxx Show Sponsorships: If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for this increasingly popular show, please contact me for more info.

Call me directly during the show and ask a question at: 323-284-5166

OR Skype me by my Username: voxxpodcast

If you miss the Live Broadcast, you can always check it out later on my, Archived Podcasts.

Until then, go ahead and register on the Voxx Magick Forum, and start posting, see you there!

Please tell your friends about the show!

Posted in Angels, Astrology, Black Magick, Celebrities, Dreams, General, Goetia, Hexes, Humor, Kabbalah, Magick, Mythology, Numerology, Occult Psychology, Pagan News, Predictions, Psychic Powers, Reincarnation, Rituals, Saints, Satanism, Scrying, Sexuality, Tarot, Technology, Television, Thelema, Voodoo, Weird News, Wicca, Witchcraft | No Comments »




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